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Deep sea minerals exploration project EMINENT workshop
2024-09-17 (engelsk)
GoliatVIND - gode samarbeidsrelasjoner bidro til rekordrask levering av havbunnsundersøkelse
Winterly kick-off for two Akvaplan-niva research projects
2024-03-07 (engelsk)
Glider setting sail to study reef effects from Hywind Scotland
2023-09-26 (engelsk)
Multiple technologies in North Sea environmental research
2022-10-25 (engelsk)
DeepOcean and Akvaplan-niva in offshore partnership
2022-12-05 (engelsk)
Invitasjon til seminar om offshore industribygging -muligheter og utfordringer
Ocean drone set sail to collect fish data for 'Hywind Scotland'
2021-03-16 (engelsk)
Taxonomic and functional-trait metrics track recovery of demersal fish and shrimp communities following system collapse
Magnus Aune, Virginie Ramasco [+9]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2024-03-11
Bioglider: An Integrated Glider Solution for Enhancing Environmental Knowledge
Yves Ponçon, Laurent Mortier [+16]
OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023-09-25
Effects of the invasive red king crab on food web structure and ecosystem properties in an Atlantic fjord
T Pedersen, MM Fuhrmann [+16]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-05-28
Selection and foraging response of harbour seals in an area of changing prey resources
V Ramasco, U Lindström [+1]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017-10-13
Macrobenthic biomass and production in a heterogenic subarctic fjord after invasion by the red king crab
Mona M. Fuhrmann, Torstein Pedersen [+2]
Journal of Sea Research 2015-12
The intensity of horizontal and vertical search in a diving forager: the harbour seal
Virginie Ramasco, Frédéric Barraquand [+3]
Movement Ecology 2015-05-27
Improving time budget estimates through the behavioural interpretation of dive bouts in harbour seals
Virginie Ramasco, Martin Biuw [+1]
Animal Behaviour 2014-08
Virginie Ramasco, Trude Kristin Borch [+1]
Fram Forum 2023
Studier av mulige påvirkninger fra seismikkaktiviteten på økosystemetved Ekofisk
Salve Dahle, Lionel Camus [+2]
Fisk og Seismikk 2022-04-19
The response of harbour seals to seasonal dynamics in prey availability in a subarctic fjord in Northern Norway.
Virginie Ramasco, Ulf Lindström [+1]
Workshop on Ecology of northern fjords 2015-11-25
Feeding behaviour and habitat use of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Vesterålen archipelago, Norway
Virginie Ramasco & Kjell Tormod Nilssen
23rd ECS Conference 2009-03-02
Spatial and temporal patterns of foraging of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Porsangerfjord: from behavioural interpretation to resource selection.
Virginie Ramasco
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015-09-24
Identifying periods of ‘resting’ at sea helps making sense of harbour seals’ foraging signature in movement data
Virginie Ramasco, Martin Biuw [+3]
20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals 2013-12-09
Ecopath modelling of ecosystem structure of a subarctic norwegian fjord after a decline in the coastal cod (Gadus morhua) stock
Torstein Pedersen, Ulf Lindstrøm [+12]
Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Redbuilding 2013-10-15
Habitat use and feeding behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Vesterålen
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2008-05-28