  • Visit to the Akvaplan-niva Remote Operation Centre guided by Pierre Priou (Photo: Lionel Camus/Akvaplan-niva). Deep sea minerals exploration project EMINENT workshop
  • Panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition as a platform for adaptive and knowledge driven management
  • Léa Ricard
  • Beach litter deposition and turnover, effects of tides and weather, and implications for cleanup strategies: A case study in the Lofoten archipelago, Norway
  • Cleaning up in Svea (Photo: Akvaplan-niva). Coal mine heritage on Svalbard – cleaning up after a century of coal mining activities
  • Achim Randelhoff (Akvaplan-niva) og Morven Muilwijk (Norsk Polarinsitutt) gjennomfører turbulens målinger (Foto: Eva Leu/Akvaplan-niva).Hvordan kan studier av turbulens og alge-disko bidra til økt forståelse av produktivitet i et fremtidig Polhav? (Norwegian)
  • Eva Leu and Achim Randelhoff from Akvaplan-niva at SUDARCO research cruise (Photo: Mirek Darecki, IOPAN).How studies of turbulence and algae disco help us to understand the productivity of a future Arctic Ocean
  • Heterogeneous Weight Development of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) Used as Cleaner Fish in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Farming
  • Stian Vikanes
  • Foto: Frida Cnossen/Akvaplan-nivaSmeltende sjøis bidrar til nye nordlige sjøruter (Norwegian)
  • Foto: Erling SvensenDagens forvaltning av havbruk er ikke den beste - verken for villaksen eller oppdrett (Norwegian)
  • Achim Randelhoff (Akvaplan-niva) foretar havmålinger med X-CTDen fra akterdekk av RV Kronprins Haakon uten at skipet må stoppe opp. Dataene vil gi kunnskap om hva slags miljø fisk og plankton lever i (Foto: Trine Lise Sviggum Helgerud, NPI)Årets største forskningstokt er i gang ved iskanten (Norwegian)
  • An invasive Pacific pink salmon (above) and a native Arctic charr (below). Both species have a silvery exterior while at sea and can be difficult to tell apart but the inside of the mouth of a pink salmon is black (Photo: Guttorm Christensen).The Arctic queen and the Pacific invader: salmonid migrations on Svalbard
  • Frequent collaborators, left to right: Haakon Hop, Jan-Marcin Węsławski head of cruise, now director of IOPAN, Stig Falk-Petersen, and Salve Dahle onboard RV Oceania in 1996. Photo: Mikael Westh HammerArctic science: 30 years of Norwegian–Polish cooperation
  • Diatoms sampled during the spring bloom in the Barents Sea. Marine microalgae bind CO2 through photosynthesis, producing organic carbon and oxygen. Photo: Eva Leu/Akvaplan-nivaWhy do scientists focus on organic carbon and how is it studied?
  • Photo: Pierre Priou/Akvaplan-niva Akvaplan-niva presents scientific use of biogliders at International Underwater Glider Conference
  • Illustrasjonsfoto Odfjell Oceanwind  (Illustrasjon: GoliatVIND)GoliatVIND - gode samarbeidsrelasjoner bidro til rekordrask levering av havbunnsundersøkelse (Norwegian)
  • Spotted wolffish in a tank at the Akvaplan-niva Research and Innovation Station (Photo: Lars Olav Sparboe/Akvaplan-niva). A new feed increases survival rates for spotted wolffish in aquaculture
  • Fremst i bildet ser vi Terese Vollstad-Giæver på UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet omkranset av familie og veiledere.Ny diett gir økt overlevelse hos flekksteinbit i oppdrett  (Norwegian)
  • Masterstudent Kristina Haugland har vært tilknyttet BIORAS_SHRIMP prosjektet (Foto: Atle Foss/Akvaplan-niva)Oppdrett av varmtvannsreker i Norge? (Norwegian)
  • The observatory station deployed in Lake Urmia for the first time in the lake's history, collecting hydrometeorological parameters and transmitting data online.Lake Urmia - A hypersaline waterbody in a drying climate
  • RV Helmer Hanssen on the way to an eddie sampling station (Photo: Kanchana Bandara/Akvaplan-niva)LoVe for the eddies
  • Deployment of a Seaglider by Akvaplan-niva (Photo: Harald Lura)Hi-Tech ocean research
  • Utsett av Slocum (Foto: Akvaplan-niva)Hi-tech havforskning (Norwegian)
  • Perlesnormanet (Foto: Erling Svensen/Akvaplan-niva)Samlet innsats mot den skumle perlesnormaneten (Norwegian)
  • The second field and clean up mission in the CRIPTIC project. Increased public awareness about plastic pollution along the Caspian coast
  • Sensoren UVP6 montert i en vanntank på VESO Aqualab (Photo: Ragnhild Pettersen/Akvaplan-niva)FHF prosjektet e-Lice: To laboratorieforsøk med optisk sensor i vanntanker med lakselus (Norwegian)
  • Deciphering climate change impacts on the great vertical Calanus migrationDeciphering climate change impacts on the great vertical Calanus migration
  • On the screen representatives from partners AIR Centre - Atlantic International Research Centre, C.S.C.S., IOPAN and Akvaplan-niva. In the room from the left Pierre Priou, Kanchana Bandara and Conrad Helgeland, all Akvaplan-niva (Photo: Trude Borch)Fatty feed - kick off for CliN-BluFeed on the lookout for Calanus for fish feed
  • Linda Simensen fra Akvaplan-niva på besøk i Alaska (Foto: Akvaplan-niva). Samarbeid for en bærekraftig utvikling i Arktis - refleksjoner etter et Alaska-besøk (Norwegian)
  • Research and science-based advice for sustainable aquatic ecosystems


    Research and science-based advice for sustainable aquatic ecosystems


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