To Tell or Not to Tell: Preference Elicitation with and without Emphasis on Scientific Uncertainty
Margrethe Aanesen, Claire Armstrong [+6]
Land Economics 2023-01-23
Erosion Dynamics of Cultivated Kelp, Saccharina latissima, and Implications for Environmental Management and Carbon Sequestration
Reinhold Fieler, Michael Greenacre [+4]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-10-28
Variation in biomass and biofouling of kelp, Saccharina latissima, cultivated in the Arctic, Norway
Sanna Matsson, Hartvig Christie [+1]
Aquaculture 2019-05
Organic enrichment of sediments from salmon farming in Norway: environmental factors, management practices, and monitoring techniques
Michael L Carroll, Sabine Cochrane [+3]
Aquaculture 2003-10
Cultivation of the spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor (Olafsen) - a new candidate for cold-water fish farming
I-B. Falk-Petersen, T. K. Hansen [+2]
Aquaculture Research 1999-09
Measurements and weight changes of norwegian adult puffinsfratercula arcticaand kittiwakesrissa tri dactyl aduring the breeding season
R. T. Barrett, R. Fieler [+2]
Ringing & Migration 1985-10
Industriell taredyrking: Potensielle effekter på naturlige økosystemer
Kasper Hancke, Ole Jacob Broch [+5]
HAVBRUK2018 Conference 2018-04-18
Seaweed cultivation above the Arctic Circle
Böris Sanna Christina A Matsson, Anna Metaxas [+5]
Arctic Frontiers 2018-01-24
Miljøkonsekvensanalyse: Integrert havbruk i Norge. September 2017
Anders Karlsson-Drangsholt, Solveig van Nes [+15]
Bellona 2017