  1. Altricial-precocial spectra in animal kingdom

    Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]

    Journal of Sea Research 2023-06

  2. An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries

    JoLynn Carroll, Håvard G. Frøysa [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11

  3. The comparative energetics of the cephalopods: they neither grow nor reproduce fast

    Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine

    Journal of Sea Research 2022-06

  4. Energetic basis for bird ontogeny and egg-laying applied to the bobwhite quail

    Nina Marn, Konstadia Lika [+5]

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  5. The comparative energetics of the carnivorans and pangolins

    Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  6. The comparative energetics of the ray-finned fish in an evolutionary context

    Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  7. Multidimensional scaling for animal traits in the context of dynamic energy budget theory

    Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman, Konstadia Lika [+2]

    Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01

  8. The role of Dynamic Energy Budgets in conservation physiology

    Romain Lavaud, Ramón Filgueira [+1]

    Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01

Starrlight AugustineSebastiaan A L M KooijmanKonstadia LikaNina MarnJoLynn CarrollGonçalo M MarquesFrode VikebøOle Jacob BrochDaniel HowellRaymond NepstadGeir Morten SkeieBenoit GoussenLionel CamusAugustine ArukweLaure PecquerieHåvard G FrøysaMathias BockwoldtMarkus EbelingDavid HeckmannAndre GergsMagnus AuneEvgeniia RaskhozhevaHector AndradeAlexei BambulyakAndrey V DolgovHaakon HopDenis MoiseevPaul E RenaudØystein VarpeRomain LavaudRamón FilgueiraCharlène GuillaumotThomas SaucèdeSimon A MorleyBruno DanisSebastiaan KooijmanBob W KooiZhanna TairovaMarianne FrantzenAnders MosbechKim GustavsonAdriana E SardiGro Herlaug RefsethIrene Ballesta–ArteroRob WitbaardMichael L CarrollMadelyn J MetteD Wanamaker AlanJaap van der MeerJoany Mariño