  1. Biodiversity Trends along the Western European Margin

    Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    PLoS ONE 2010-12-13

  2. A retrospective approach to fractionize variation in body mass of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

    A. K. Imsland, R. Koedijk [+6]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2010-12-06

  3. Benthic food-web structure of an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)

    Paul E. Renaud, Michael Tessmann [+2]

    Marine Biology Research 2010-12-03

  4. Temporal stability of niche use exposes sympatric Arctic charr to alternative selection pressures

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology 2010-11-24

Albert K D ImslandJørgen BergeAtle FossLionel CamusPaul E RenaudStig Falk–PetersenJasmine NahrgangAnita EvensetGeir W GabrielsenJørgen S ChristiansenAndrej SikorskiGuttorm N ChristensenKatrine BorgåEivind OugJ BergeHelgi ThorarensenSnorri GunnarssonJón ÁrnasonPerrine GeraudieChristophe MinierHaakon HopMartina JönssonJoLynn CarrollGuillermo San MartínS O StefanssonA FolkvordRune KnudsenAnna SiwertssonPer–Arne AmundsenDorte HerzkeNicholas A WarnerEldbjørg S HeimstadSabine K J CochraneGeir JohnsenArnþór GústavssonIngólfur ArnarsonArnar F JónssonVladimir SavinovPeygham GhaffariJ CarrollMarie GerbronArild FolkvordRoland M KoedijkPatrice GonzalezJon Anders KongsrudTorkild BakkenSabine CochraneAlessandra RivoltaSondre Veberg LarsenPetter Lohne