
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

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  1. Multiple climatic drivers increase pace and consequences of ecosystem change in the Arctic Coastal Ocean

    Mikael K. Sejr, Amanda E. Poste [+1]

    Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2024-09-12

  2. High uptake of sympagic organic matter by benthos on an Arctic outflow shelf

    Ivan J. Cautain, Kim S. Last [+4]

    PLOS ONE 2024-08-07

  3. Drivers of organic carbon distribution and accumulation in the northern Barents Sea

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Silvia Hess [+3]

    Progress in Oceanography 2024-07

  4. Under ice plankton and lipid dynamics in a subarctic lake

    Erwin Kers, Eva Leu [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2024-05

  5. Unique zooplankton diversity in the deep Nansen and Amundsen basins of the Arctic Ocean

    Anette Wold, Haakon Hop [+5]

    7th Zooplankton Production Symposium 2024-04-17