
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem

    Allison A. Fong, Clara J. M. Hoppe [+90]

    Elem Sci Anth 2024

  2. Sea-ice decline could keep zooplankton deeper for longer

    Hauke Flores, Gaëlle Veyssière [+12]

    Nature Climate Change 2023-08-28

  3. The occurrence and habitat use of harbour porpoises in a strong tidal current in Northern Norway

    Ronald Smit, Mario Acquarone [+3]

    30th Conference of the European Cetacean Society 2016-03-14

  4. Comparing gross body composition of harp seals from computed tomography, isotope dilution and dissection

    Mario Acquarone, Martin Biuw [+7]

    21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals 2015-12-13

  5. Kan førerløse fly brukes ved seltellinger?

    Tore Haug, Mario Acquarone [+1]

    Havforskningsinstituttet 2013