
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Observing Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean

    Alessandro Silvano, Sarah Purkey [+42]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2023-12-08

  2. Overvåking og kartlegging av fremmed ferskvannsfisk ved bruk av miljø-DNA 2021

    Anette Engesmo, Elianne Dunthorn Egge [+4]

    NIVA-rapport 2022

  3. Ecosystem-level effects of large-scale disturbance in kelp forests

    KM Norderhaug, K Filbee-Dexter [+9]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020-12-10

  4. Individual migration strategy fidelity but no habitat specialization in two congeneric seabirds

    Benjamin Merkel, Sébastien Descamps [+14]

    Journal of Biogeography 2020-10-30

  5. Winter storms accelerate the demise of sea ice in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean

    Robert M. Graham, Polona Itkin [+27]

    Scientific Reports 2019-06-25

Harald SteenHallvard StrømPhilipp AssmySébastien DescampsBenjamin MerkelArild SundfjordPedro DuarteAnette EngesmoSteen Wilhelm KnudsenGuttorm ChristensenMartin HesselsøeMarc Anglès d'AuriacNigel G. YoccozHaakon HopH SteenDavid GrémilletFrancis DauntMaria GavriloSarah WanlessPolona ItkinAmelie MeyerGunnar SpreenLars H. SmedsrudLana CohenAgneta FranssonSebastian GerlandChristine ProvostAchim RandelhoffAnja RöselMats A. GranskogJack KohlerOlivier ChastelPierre BlévinKjell E. ErikstadAleksey V. EzhovMike P. HarrisTone K. ReiertsenGeir H. SystadÞorkell Lindberg ÞórarinssonIlker FerJari HaapalaStephen R. HudsonIoanna MerkouriadiVon P. WaldenHanna M. KaukoAlexey K. PavlovAgnieszka TatarekAnette WoldTom Johnny HansenPer Gunnar Fjelldal