
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Using a numerical model to propose a new laboratory oil exposure design

    Håvard Guldbrandsen Frøysa, Raymond Nepstad [+6]

    46th Larval Fish Conference 2023-05-07

  2. An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie [+30]

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014-01-26

  3. SYMBIOSES – et integrert modelleringsverktøry for støtte til marin økosystem basert forvaltning

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Risikoforvaltning, fiskeri og nye næringer i Nord 2013-09-17

  4. SYMBIOSES - An integrated modeling framework for decision support in marine ecosystem based management

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Arctic Frontiers 2013 2013-01-20

  5. An ecosystem based impact assessment and management tool for the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting 2012-11-20