

Report on the developments needed to produce relevant management tools



1 Akvaplan-niva (nåværende ansatt)

Forfattere (7)

  1. Javier Ruiz
  2. Margarita M.  Rincón
  3. Nina Mikkelsen
  4. Karim Ezini
  5. Jorge M.S Gonçalves
  6. Steinar B. Adalbjornsson
  7. Lidvard Grønnevet


This document reports on the developments needed to produce management tools that are relevant for each of the case studies in the FarFish project. The tools have been selected in coordination with the production of Management Plan zero for each case study (D4.1 - MP0 for each case study). It has shared with Work Package 4 the consultation process with partners of FarFish, including the case study leaders, and with external relevant bodies such as ICCAT or IOTC. The selected tools have been incorporated into the Management Plan Zero and have also been coordinated with Work Package 2 to feed through Deliverables 2.3 (Report on biological and ecological data in FFDB pilot version 1) and 2.6 (Report on biological and ecological data in FFDB pilot version 2), and the data these tools will demand. The tools are planned to use the data available from the FarFish database (D6.2 – FFDB pilot version 1, D6.5 – FFDB pilot version 2, D6.9 - FFDB) and to provide results that will be stored in the same database. They incorporate measures to explore better compliance through satellite advances in sensing and communication, models for semi-automatic stock assessment when needed or assessment of the role of the physical environment in creating stock fluctuations. They have all been identified during the consultancy process as necessary and non-redundant with the tools presently available in the different case studies.

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