
In silico and experimental screening platform for characterizing environmental impact of industrial development in the Arctic – an overview of the project EXPECT

SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting ()


2 Akvaplan-niva (current employee)

Authors (17)
  1. Samantha Eslava Martins
  2. Gary S. Caldwell
  3. Ian Edhlund
  4. Anita Evenset
  5. Tania Gomes
  6. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
  7. Gro Harlaug Refseth
  8. Maria Thérése Hultman
  9. Adam Jarvis
  10. Maxim Kapralov
  11. Gregory Langlois
  12. Raymond Nepstad
  13. You Song
  14. Lisbet Sørensen
  15. Charlotte Vagg
  16. Peter Van den hurk
  17. Li Xie

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