7. februar 2025 nyhet
A workshop to highlight the use of Calanus finmarchicus as a sustainable resource and ingredient for aquaculture feed took place at Akvaplan-niva January 29th. We invited Ole Petter Pedersen, Scientific Advisor to Calanus AS to discuss our EU funded project on the mapping of zooplankton Calanus. The company Calanus AS, holding the brand name Zooca, is a Norwegian first mover company which has developed the entire industrial value chain related to Calanus. This includes harvesting, processing, certifications and international market development. Examples of usage of their products is human supplementary diet and aquaculture feed ingredients.
Akvaplan-niva scientists presented the Clin-BluFeed project, financed by the SBEP program of the EU (Sustainability Blue Economy Partnership). The project aims at demonstrating that autonomous vehicles, remote sensing, AI and simulation models can provide an operational system to monitor and assess the Calanus stock for the authorities, help the fishery improving scouting efficiency, and mitigate by-catch.
The RCN funded project Migratory Crossroad, led by Kanchana Bandara, demonstrated the development of a Calanus population model and the benefit that it will pose to stakeholders. Ole Petter presented the Calanus fishing techniques statistics, challenges connected to the calanus fishery and emerging technologies. He also addressed several directions to guide Akvaplan-niva’s research which could mitigate some of these challenges. The main purpose was to transform scientific knowledge and technology into operational use.
The CliN-BluFeed project: https://akvaplan.no/no/prosjek...
The Migratory Crossroads project: https://akvaplan.no/no/prosjek...