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Restoration and Development of Low-Trophic Blue Economies in the North

Photo: Trude Borch/Akvaplan-niva

Restoration and Development of Low-Trophic Blue Economies in the North

Photo: Trude Borch/Akvaplan-niva

28. januar 2025 nyhet

This year we at Akvaplan-niva started out the first day of the Arctic Frontiers conference arranging a side-event with NIVA, SINTEF Ocean and Ava Ocean. The event had two sub-themes and two panels, focusing on both kelp forest restoration and low-trophic blue economy. The background for the event is that one positive effect of climate change it that the Arctic can offer an increasing potential for responsible economic ocean development. Indeed, new industries, from aquaculture to ocean wind-power generation, are testing new opportunities both on land and at sea. If this development is to be sustainable, however, damaged ecosystems must be restored and environmental impacts must be prevented or mitigated. Marine macroalgae are increasingly in focus as a possible key component in ensuring that the growing blue economies are sustainable. Restoration of degraded kelp habitat is in any respect critical to the promotion of healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.

Ida Beathe Øverjordet, SINTEF Ocean, began by arguing for the need for large scale restauration of kelp forest and gave us a quick overview of laws and targets on international, EU and national levels in Norway. From there Pernilla Carlsson from NIVA talked about the ecosystem services provided by our northern kelp forest, providing breeding areas and habitats for over 300 different species. She also gave some perspectives on how kelp forest restoration can be done, with examples from Arctic Norway.

This was further discussed in the following panel debate in which Øystein Leiknes from the Norwegian Environmental Agency laid out national plans in the 2024 White Paper on nature diversity and about the ongoing collaboration between the Environmental Agency, the Norwegian Fisheries Directorate and the Institute of Marine Research on a national kelp management plan. Leiknes highlighted that there is a need for a better mapping and that the government should finance the continuation of the marine grunnkart work.

In the second part of the event we heard from Marianne Frantzen, Akvaplan-niva, on macroalgae cultivation in the north and Dagny-Elise Anastassiou, Ava Ocean, about kelp restoration through technology and industry involvement. After having laid out the positive aspects of macro-algae cultivation and the suitability for such production in Arctic waters, Marianne Frantzen called for a plan for algae cultivation from the government. Gunnar Davidsson from Troms County Council highlighted the need for a better knowledge foundation, a thorough mapping of both biological and physical properties of the coastalzone (Marine grunnkart). This to make sure that we are using the best and most suitable areas for different kind of aquaculture, including cultivation of macro algae. 98 % of current production takes place in Asia that subsequently has the largest market shares. Phillip James from Nofima pointed to the need for the development of a market for macro-algae produced in Norway.

From this followed a discussion on business opportunities in which industry representative, Dagny-Elise Anastassiou, pointed to the importance of viable financial models and the need for incentive and risk capital to help businesses through innovation processes. Ida Beathe Øverjordet from SINTEF Ocean said we should look to Japan for inspiration as they have come much further than Norway in their effort on carbon credits for kelp restoration. We also learned that there is an IPCC expert group looking into how kelp forest restoration can be part of environmental accounting and climate action. The group will meet in China in February this year.

Paul E. Renaud
FoU-sjef Klima og økosystemer


Marianne Frantzen


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