30. mai 2018 news
22-23 May several ARCEx early career scientists gathered at Lyngseidet for the fifth Early Career Forum (ECF). The topic for the discussion was innovation and the group followed the methodology of Ungt entreprenørskap for INNOVATION CAMP. The guide through the through the tools and concept for innovation and entrepreneurship was Ellen Sethov.
The participants were challenged to solve a real case, provided by JoLynn Carroll from Akvaplan-niva, related to innovation in oil spill response techniques tailored to the challenges of the Arctic environment. The case was solved in groups working on conceptualization of idea/business model, prototype/model, and each group prepared a pitch and presentation that was presented on the second day. Ana Sofia Aniceto from Akvaplan-niva also participated in the meeting.
The group also liaised with Norinnova, UiT’s Technology Transfer Office, and Eirik Lundblad presented the support and funding opportunities for innovation projects.
For more information about The Research Centre for Arctic Petroleum Exploration (ARCEx) see link below.