Trond Ivarjord

+ 47 95 11 58 10

FISK (Forsknings- og innovasjonsenter Kraknes)



  1. Effects of the invasive red king crab on food web structure and ecosystem properties in an Atlantic fjord

    T Pedersen, MM Fuhrmann [+16]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-05-28

  2. Species diversity affects ecosystem structure and mass flows in fjords

    T. Pedersen, S. Ramsvatn [+7]

    Regional Studies in Marine Science 2016-01

  3. Effects of growth rates on the otolith increments deposition rate in capelin larvae (Mallotus villosus)

    Trond Ivarjord, Torstein Pedersen [+1]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008-04

  1. Ecopath modelling of ecosystem structure of a subarctic norwegian fjord after a decline in the coastal cod (Gadus morhua) stock

    Torstein Pedersen, Ulf Lindstrøm [+12]

    Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Redbuilding 2013-10-15

  2. The role of macroalgae habitats as nursing grounds for juvenile coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) in two Norwegian fjords

    Christer Michaelsen, Torstein Pedersen [+2]

    Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Rebuilding 2013-10-15

  1. Investigating coastal ecosystem structure and dynamics using Ecopath/Ecosim ecosystem models and stable isotope data

    Torstein Pedersen, Einar Magnus Nilssen [+10]

    Havet og kysten forskerseminar 2012 2012-10-24

  2. Effekter av forskjellige fangstregimer på fangstutbytte og økosystemindikatorer i to kystøkosystemer undersøkt ved ECOPATH modellering

    Torstein Pedersen, Silje Ramsvatn [+7]

    Seminar om "Blandingsfiske som reguleringsmodell" 2012-02-15

  3. Investigating effects of various harvest regimes on fishery yield and ecosystem health indicators of two coastal ecosystems using ECOPATH modelling

    Torstein Pedersen, Silje Ramsvatn [+7]

    The 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management 2011-07-03

  1. Do capelin larvae deposit daily increments in their otoliths?

    Trond Ivarjord, Torstein Pedersen [+1]

    International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) 2004