Maj Arnberg


+ 47 91 36 52 85


Publikasjoner (33)

  1. Effects of oil and global environmental drivers on two keystone marine invertebrates

    Maj Arnberg, Piero Calosi [+8]

    Scientific Reports 2018-11-26

  2. Effects of low crude oil chronic exposure on the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)

    Leon Moodley, Maj Arnberg [+10]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2018-03

  3. Effects of chronic crude oil exposure on early developmental stages of the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)

    Maj Arnberg, Leon Moodley [+9]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2017-08-29

  4. Impacts of ocean acidification on survival, growth, and swimming behaviours differ between larval urchins and brittlestars

    Kit Yu Karen Chan, Daniel Grünbaum [+2]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2015-05-07

  5. Ocean acidification induces budding in larval sea urchins

    Kit Yu Karen Chan, Daniel Grünbaum [+3]

    Marine Biology 2012-11-09

  6. Biological impacts of ocean acidification: a postgraduate perspective on research priorities

    Samantha L. Garrard, R. C. Hunter [+18]

    Marine Biology 2012-08-26

  7. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages of Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and Mussel (Mytilus edulis)

    Renée Katrin Bechmann, Ingrid Christina Taban [+6]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011-03-09

  1. Miljøkonsekvenser av akvakultur og sameksisterende næringer

    Anita Evenset, Gro Harlaug Refseth [+16]

    Akvaplan-niva rapport 2023

    1. Sensitivity of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis to commercial formulations used as anti-parasitic drugs.

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+7]

      Aquaculture Europe 19. Our Future – Growing from Water. 2019-10-07

    2. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges. An example of and IRIS-Environmental project

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      Besøk av Sam Fanshawe, vinner av Rachel Carson Prisen 2013 2013-06-03

    3. The combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil spill on the development, feeding and metabolism of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae

      Ingrid Christina Taban, Maj Arnberg [+4]

      The Arctic Ocean Acidification – International Conference 2013-05-06

    1. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      The Arctic Ocean Acidification - International Conference 2013-05-06

    2. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      Tekna Biotech Group - Temakveld 2013-04-25

    3. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      4th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2012-10-16

    4. On-going research at IRIS on the interaction between acidification and oil pollution

      Steinar Sanni, Renèe Katrin Bechmann [+2]

      ICES - SCICOM Steering Group on Human Interactions on Ecosystems (SSGHIE), Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants WGBEC 2012-03-12

    5. Ocean acidification in the real world – synergetic effects with temperature, toxicants and oil spills

      Sam Dupont, Maj Arnberg [+2]

      7th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference 2011-03-20

    1. Effekter av lusemidler på reker.

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+7]

      FHF møte med Ressursgruppe Sameksistens 2019

    2. Mikroplast – omfang og konsekvensar for liv og miljø i fjord og vassdrag

      Alessio Gomiero, Maj Arnberg [+4]

      Hardangerfjordseminaret 2018 2018

    3. Lakselusmedisin dreper reker

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Emily Lyng [+11]

      Forskningsrådets og FHFs mini-seminar: Havmiljø - Nord-Fishing 2016

      1. Combined effects of ocean acidification and oil spill on the development of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)

        Maj Arnberg, Sam Dupont [+4]

        Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World 2012-09-24

        1. Biological impacts of ocean acidification: a postgraduate perspective on research priorities

          S. L. Garrard, R. C. Hunter [+18]

          Energy Systems, Springer Verlag 2012