+ 47 91 79 09 57
Target spectra discrimination of three Arctic species
Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+8]
From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2023-03-27
Økokyst – delprogram Barentshavet, Årsrapport 2022
Guttorm Christensen, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+14]
Miljødirektoratet 2023
Klimapåvirkning på viktige kystvannsarter
Trond Kristiansen, Kristina Øie Kvile [+5]
NIVA-rapport 2022
Altafjordsystemet - Miljøpåvirkning, biologiske ressurser, fysiske forhold, effekt av oppdrettsvirksomhet og mulig effektdempende tiltak.
Atle Mortensen, Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen [+2]
Akvaplan-niva AS rapport 8753 2019
Vill og oppdrettet laksefisk i Altafjorden
Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen, Jo Espen Tau Strand [+1]
Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 2017
Atferd og spredning av rømt oppdrettslaks og villaks i Namsen og andre elver. Resultater fra merking av laks i Namsfjorden og Vikna
Tor Næsje, Eva Marita Ulvan [+10]
NINA rapport 2013
Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Altaelva 2010
Ola Ugedal, Tor Næsje [+6]
NINA rapport 2011
Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Altaelva 2009
Ola Ugedal, Tor F. Næsje [+6]
NINA rapport 2010
Fangstrater, oppvandring og fordeling av laks i Altaelva
Jenny Jensen, Audun H. Rikardsen [+5]
Micro- and macro-habitat selection of Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, post-smolts in relation to marine environmental cues
J L A Jensen, J F Strøm [+7]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2022-04-20
Telemetry data of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) migrations in a north Norwegian fjord
Magnus Aune, Jenny L.A. Jensen [+4]
Data in Brief 2022-04
Space and Habitat Utilization of the Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in a Newly Invaded Fjord in Northern Norway
Magnus Aune, Jenny L. A. Jensen [+5]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-03-04
Sea trout Salmo trutta in the subarctic: home‐bound but large variation in migratory behaviour between and within populations
John Fredrik Strøm, Jenny L. A. Jensen [+4]
Journal of Fish Biology 2021-07-14
Keeping close to the river, shore and surface: the first marine migration of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) post‐smolts
Benjamin J. Atencio, Eva B. Thorstad [+2]
Journal of Fish Biology 2021-05-03
Evidence of energy and nutrient transfer from invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in northern Norway
Kathy Dunlop, Antti P. Eloranta [+5]
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2020-11-16
Arctic charr exploit restricted urbanized coastal areas during marine migration: Could they be in harm’s way?
J. L. A. Jensen, G. N. Christensen [+3]
Hydrobiologia 2016-05-09
Water temperatures influence the marine area use of Salvelinus alpinus and Salmo trutta
Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen, Audun H. Rikardsen [+4]
Journal of Fish Biology 2014
The gill maggot Salmincola salmoneus as an indicator of repeat spawning in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
S. Kusterle, E. Halttunen [+6]
Journal of Fish Biology 2013-02-25
Archival tags reveal that Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta can use estuarine and marine waters during winter
J. L. A. Jensen & A. H. Rikardsen
Journal of Fish Biology 2012-05-29
Does catch-and-release angling alter the migratory behaviour of Atlantic salmon?
Jenny L.A. Jensen, Elina Halttunen [+3]
Fisheries Research 2010-12
Impact of catch-and-release practices on behavior and mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts
Elina Halttunen, Audun Rikardsen [+4]
Fisheries Research 2010
Recent Salmon Declines: A Result of Lost Feeding Opportunities Due to Bad Timing?
Cedar Marget Chittenden, Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen [+8]
Do northern riverine anadromous Arctic charrSalvelinus alpinusand sea troutSalmo truttaoverwinter in estuarine and marine waters?
Journal of Fish Biology 2008-11
Spatial niche segregation of Arctic charr and brown trout during their marine feeding migration
Jenny Jensen, Audun H. Rikardsen [+1]
International Char Symposium 2012-09-11
Tracking Fish in the Open Ocean and Polar Regions
Cedar Chittenden, Audun H. Rikardsen [+4]
Seminar Series 2011-10-21
The significance of repeat spawning to the production and stability of an Atlantic salmon population
Elina Halttunen, Audun H. Rikardsen [+4]
1st International Conference on Fish Telemetry 2011-06-12
First International Conference on Fish Telemetry 2011-06-12
The use of ambient temperature to study seasonal migrations of anadromous Arctic charr and sea trout
Jenny Jensen & Audun H. Rikardsen
1st International conference on Fish Telemetry 2011-06-12
Survivor North Pacific: Can Coho Outlast?
Cedar Marget Chittenden, Elina Halttunen [+5]
The return rate of Atlantic salmon repeat spawners and their significance to production
Elina Halttunen, Audun Rikardsen [+3]
The riverine survival and behaviour of post spawned Atlantic salmon
Elina Halttunen, Jenny Lovisa Alexandra Jensen [+5]
Staying alive - the importance of repeat spawners for the production of Altantic Salmon
Elina Halttunen, Audun Rikardsen [+5]
Staying alive – the importance of repeat spawners to the production of Atlantic salmon
Staying alive - the importance of repeat spawners to the porduction of Atlantic salmon
Is the releasing of angled Atlantic salmon kelts a successful management strategy?
Hva vet vi om fang og slipp fiske?
Eva B. Thorstad, Elina Halttunen [+4]
Besøk av sportsfiskelinja ved Grong VGS 2010-11-24
Fang og slipp - vet vi en skitt? Gjenutsetting av fisk - kunnskapsstatus
Møte med fylkesmennene om regulering av fiske etter anadrome laksefisk 2010-10-11
Datateknologi avslører fiskens hemmligheter!
Audun Rikardsen, Jan Grimsrud Davidsen [+3]
Ottar 2008