Achim Randelhoff


+ 47 41 21 84 46


Publikasjoner (36)

  1. Turbulent and double-diffusive heat and nutrient fluxes in the Central Arctic Ocean

    Achim Randelhoff, Zoe Charlotte Koenig [+5]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  2. Role of winter storms on the evolution of sea ice in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic

    Mats Granskog, Polona Itkin [+27]

    International Glaciological Society (IGS) Sea Ice Symposium 2019-08-19

  1. Nutrients vs. turbulence, and the future of Arctic Ocean primary production

    Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+4]

    Arctic Frontiers 2017-01-25

  2. Bloom stage characteristics in an Atlantic influenced Arctic marine ecosystem

    Marit Reigstad, Lena Seuthe [+13]

    Arctic Frontiers 2017 2017-01-23

  1. Polar Front Process Cruise 2022

    Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer [+5]

    The Nansen Legacy Report Series 2023-02-28

  2. Carbon Export in the Seasonal Sea Ice Zone North of Svalbard From Winter to Late Summer

    Christine Dybwad, Philipp Assmy [+8]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-01-21

  3. DMS emissions from the Arctic marginal ice zone

    Martí Galí, Martine Lizotte [+8]

    Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2021

  1. Preparing the New Phase of Argo: Scientific Achievements of the NAOS Project

    Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Fabrizio D’Ortenzio [+23]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-10-14

  2. Arctic mid-winter phytoplankton growth revealed by autonomous profilers

    Achim Randelhoff, Léo Lacour [+11]

    Science Advances 2020-09-25

  3. Pan-Arctic Ocean Primary Production Constrained by Turbulent Nitrate Fluxes

    Achim Randelhoff, Johnna Holding [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-03-31

  4. Winter storms accelerate the demise of sea ice in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean

    Robert M. Graham, Polona Itkin [+27]

    Scientific Reports 2019-06-25

  5. The evolution of light and vertical mixing across a phytoplankton ice-edge bloom

    Achim Randelhoff, Laurent Oziel [+12]

    Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2019-01-01

  6. Seasonality of the Physical and Biogeochemical Hydrography in the Inflow to the Arctic Ocean Through Fram Strait

    Achim Randelhoff, Marit Reigstad [+8]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2018-06-29

  7. Turbulent Upper-Ocean Mixing Affected by Meltwater Layers during Arctic Summer

    Achim Randelhoff, Ilker Fer [+1]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2017-04

  8. One‐dimensional evolution of the upper water column in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean in winter

    Ilker Fer, Algot K. Peterson [+2]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2017-03

  9. Turbulent heat and momentum fluxes in the upper ocean under Arctic sea ice

    Algot K. Peterson, Ilker Fer [+2]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2017-02

  10. Leads in Arctic pack ice enable early phytoplankton blooms below snow-covered sea ice

    Philipp Assmy, Mar Fernández-Méndez [+39]

    Scientific Reports 2017-01-19

  11. Vertical fluxes of nitrate in the seasonal nitracline of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean

    Achim Randelhoff, Ilker Fer [+3]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2016-07

  12. Seasonal variability and fluxes of nitrate in the surface waters over the Arctic shelf slope

    Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+1]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2015-05-07

  13. Effects of a Shallow Pycnocline and Surface Meltwater on Sea Ice–Ocean Drag and Turbulent Heat Flux

    Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+1]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2014-08-01

  14. Energy budget of first‐year Arctic sea ice in advanced stages of melt

    Stephen R. Hudson, Mats A. Granskog [+4]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2013-06-07

      1. Nutrients vs. turbulence, and the future of Arctic Ocean primary production

        Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+4]

        Forum for Arctic Modeling & Observational Synthesis 2016-11-02

      2. Nutrients vs. turbulence, and the future of Arctic Ocean primary production

        Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+4]

        Forum for Arctic Modeling & Observational Synthesis 2016-11-02

      3. Seasonal variability and fluxes of nitrate in the surface waters over the Arctic shelf slope

        Achim Randelhoff, Arild Sundfjord [+1]

        Gordon Research Conference (Polar Marine Science) 2015-03-15


            Co-authors (197)

              17 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Arild Sundfjord

              14 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Ilker Fer

              13 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Marit Reigstad

              7 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Jean-Éric Tremblay

              6 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Marcel Babin

              4 works (with: 5 others)

            1. Agneta Fransson
            2. Amelie Meyer
            3. Claudie Marec
            4. John D. Guthrie
            5. Philipp Assmy

              3 works (with: 18 others)

            1. Algot K. Peterson
            2. Anja Rösel
            3. Christine Provost
            4. Gunnar Spreen
            5. Harald Steen
            6. Idunn Hana
            7. Jean-Eric Tremblay
            8. Lana Cohen
            9. Lars H. Smedsrud
            10. Maria Vernet
            11. Mats A. Granskog
            12. Melissa Chierici
            13. Ole Rieke
            14. Pedro Duarte
            15. Polona Itkin
            16. Sebastian Gerland
            17. Stephen R. Hudson
            18. Till Martin Baumann

              2 works (with: 32 others)

            1. Agnieszka Tatarek
            2. Angelika H. H. Renner
            3. Anne D. Årvik
            4. Bin Cheng
            5. Camilla Svensen
            6. Carlos M. Duarte
            7. Christophe Penkerc’h
            8. Edouard Leymarie
            9. Eric Rehm
            10. Fabrizio D’Ortenzio
            11. Hervé Claustre
            12. Ioanna Merkouriadi
            13. Jari Haapala
            14. JD Gutherie
            15. Josef Wiktor
            16. Kalle Olli
            17. L. Oziel
            18. Lasse M. Olsen
            19. Lena Seuthe
            20. Léo Lacour
            21. M. Babin
            22. Maria Lund Paulsen
            23. Marina Sanz-Martín
            24. Martí Galí
            25. P. Massicotte
            26. Patricia A. Matrai
            27. Peter Lavrentjev
            28. Svein Kristiansen
            29. Von P. Walden
            30. Xiaogang Xing
            31. Zoe Charlotte Koenig
            32. Zoe Koenig

              1 works (with: 137 others)

            1. Gérald Darnis
            2. Alexey K. Pavlov
            3. A. Baudena
            4. A. Malin Johansson
            5. A. Rinke
            6. A. Vladoiu
            7. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
            8. Algot Kristoffer Peterson
            9. Allison Bailey
            10. Anda Vladoiu
            11. Andrew King
            12. Anette Wold
            13. Angelika Renner
            14. Anna Nikolopoulos
            15. Anne Årvik
            16. Annette Rinke
            17. Anthony P. Doulgeris
            18. Antoine Poteau
            19. B. Cheng
            20. Bert van Bavel
            21. Boris P. Koch
            22. C. Marec
            23. C.-J. Mundy
            24. Catherine Marie Schmechtig
            25. Cecile Cabanes
            26. Christine Dybwad
            27. Christope Herbaut
            28. Christopher J. Mundy
            29. Christopher M. Polashenski
            30. D. Dumont
            31. Dag Slagstad
            32. Damien Desbruyères
            33. Dany Dumont
            34. David Brus
            35. David J. Kieber
            36. Dmitry Divine
            37. Dmitry V Divine
            38. Dmitry V. Divine
            39. E. Devred
            40. Elisabeth Halvorsen
            41. Elizaveta Protsenko
            42. Flavienne Bruyant
            43. G. Bécu
            44. Gabrièle Deslongchamps
            45. Geir Johnsen
            46. Glen E. Liston
            47. Glen Liston
            48. Guillaume Maze
            49. Guislain Bécu
            50. Gunnar Bratbak
            51. Haakon Hop
            52. Hanna M. Kauko
            53. Hanne Sagen
            54. Henna-Reetta Hannula
            55. Herle Mercier
            56. Ilka Peeken
            57. Ingrid H. Ellingsen
            58. Ingrid Helene Ellingsen
            59. J. Ehn
            60. J. Ferland
            61. J.-B. Sallée
            62. J.A. King
            63. Jean‐Éric Tremblay
            64. Jennifer A. King
            65. Jennifer King
            66. Jens K. Ehn
            67. Johnna Holding
            68. José Lagunas
            69. Jose-Luis Lagunas
            70. Józef M. Wiktor
            71. Jozef Wiktor
            72. Julie Dinasquet
            73. Kai Sørensen
            74. L. Lacour
            75. Laurent Mortier
            76. Laurent Oziel
            77. Lei Xue
            78. Leo Lacour
            79. Louis Fortier
            80. Louis Prieur
            81. M. Ardyna
            82. M.-H. Forget
            83. M.-N. Houssais
            84. Makoto Sampei
            85. Malin Johansson
            86. Mar Fernández-Méndez
            87. Marcel Nicolaus
            88. Marie-Hélène Forget
            89. Marie-Noelle Houssais
            90. Marie-Noëlle Houssais
            91. Marit Norli
            92. Markus Janout
            93. Marthe Sandbu
            94. Martine Lizotte
            95. Mats Granskog
            96. Matthew B. Alkire
            97. Mattias Cape
            98. Maurice Levasseur
            99. Mikael Kristian Sejr
            100. Miles G. McPhee
            101. Morven Muilwijk
            102. N. Garcia
            103. Nathalie Sennechael
            104. Nathalie Sennéchael
            105. Nick Hughes
            106. Noe Poffa
            107. P. Bouruet-Aubertot
            108. P. Coupel
            109. P. Raimbault
            110. Paul Dodd
            111. Penelope M. Wagner
            112. Philippe Massicotte
            113. Pierre Franqois Jaccard
            114. Pierre Testor
            115. Pierre-Yves Le Traon
            116. R. B. Ingvaldsen
            117. Rachel Hussherr
            118. Robert Graham
            119. Robert M. Graham
            120. Roberta Pirazzini
            121. S. Lambert-Girard
            122. Sabine Marty
            123. Samuel R. Laney
            124. Slawomir Kwasniewski
            125. Stephen Hudson
            126. Sylvie Pouliquen
            127. Thibaut Wagener
            128. Thomas Krumpen
            129. Torbjørn Taskjelle
            130. V. Galindo
            131. Vincent Taillandier
            132. Virginie Racapé
            133. Virginie Thierry
            134. Vladimir Ivanov
            135. Waldemar Walczowski
            136. Y. Cuypers
            137. Zoé Koenig