
Our publications

Our publications

  1. Forhold for overlevelse av Gyrodactylus salaris i Oslofjorden

    Andre Staalstrøm, Guttorm Christensen [+1]

    NIVA-rapport 2023

  2. Økt risiko for gyro-spredning?

    Lars W. Solheim, Guttorm N. Christensen [+3]

    Villaksnytt 2023

  3. Økt risko for gyrospredning

    Lars W. Solheim, Guttorm Christensen [+3]

    Villaksnytt 2023

  4. Freezer on, lights off! Environmental effects on activity rhythms of fish in the Arctic

    Kate L. Hawley, Carolyn M. Rosten [+3]

    Biology Letters 2017-12

  5. Triploid Induction in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhuaL.) by the Use of Different Pressure Levels

    Albert K. D. Imsland, Trine Haugen [+2]

    Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2014-07-03