Starrlight Augustine
prior employee

Publications (32)

  1. An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries

    JoLynn Carroll, Håvard G. Frøysa [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11

  2. The comparative energetics of the cephalopods: they neither grow nor reproduce fast

    Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine

    Journal of Sea Research 2022-06

  1. The comparative energetics of the ray-finned fish in an evolutionary context

    Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  2. The comparative energetics of the carnivorans and pangolins

    Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  3. Energetic basis for bird ontogeny and egg-laying applied to the bobwhite quail

    Nina Marn, Konstadia Lika [+5]

    Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01

  4. The role of Dynamic Energy Budgets in conservation physiology

    Romain Lavaud, Ramón Filgueira [+1]

    Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01

  5. Multidimensional scaling for animal traits in the context of dynamic energy budget theory

    Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman, Konstadia Lika [+2]

    Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01

  6. Comparing loss functions and interval estimates for survival data

    Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]

    Ecological Modelling 2020-08

  7. The energetic basis of population growth in animal kingdom

    Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman, Konstadia Lika [+3]

    Ecological Modelling 2020-07

  8. The use of augmented loss functions for estimating dynamic energy budget parameters

    Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]

    Ecological Modelling 2020-07

  9. Exploring inter-species sensitivity to a model hydrocarbon, 2-Methylnaphtalene, using a process-based model

    Adriana E. Sardi, Starrlight Augustine [+2]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019-02-23

  10. Altricial-precocial spectra in animal kingdom

    Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  11. Body size as emergent property of metabolism

    Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  12. Why big-bodied animal species cannot evolve a waste-to-hurry strategy

    Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  13. A new phase in DEB research

    Starrlight Augustine & Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  14. Fitting multiple models to multiple data sets

    Gonçalo M. Marques, Konstadia Lika [+3]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  15. Dynamic Energy Budget theory predicts smaller energy reserves in thyasirid bivalves that harbour symbionts

    Joany Mariño, Starrlight Augustine [+2]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  16. Energetics of the extremely long-living bivalve Arctica islandica based on a Dynamic Energy Budget model

    Irene Ballesta-Artero, Starrlight Augustine [+5]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  17. Dynamic energy budget models in ecological risk assessment: From principles to applications

    Jan Baas, Starrlight Augustine [+2]

    Science of The Total Environment 2018-07

  18. The AmP project: Comparing species on the basis of dynamic energy budget parameters

    Gonçalo M. Marques, Starrlight Augustine [+4]

    PLOS Computational Biology 2018-05-09

  19. Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Vikebø [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018-01

  20. Comment on the ecophysiology of the Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus

    Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]

    Polar Biology 2017-07-05

  21. Maturity as quantifier for physiological time

    Starrlight Augustine

    Physics of Life Reviews 2017-03

  22. Modelling survival: exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertainty

    Roman Ashauer, Carlo Albert [+19]

    Scientific Reports 2016-07-06

  1. SYMBIOSES – et integrert modelleringsverktøry for støtte til marin økosystem basert forvaltning

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Risikoforvaltning, fiskeri og nye næringer i Nord 2013-09-17

    Conference presentation
    1. SYMBIOSES - An integrated modeling framework for decision support in marine ecosystem based management

      JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

      Arctic Frontiers 2013 2013-01-20

    2. An ecosystem based impact assessment and management tool for the marine environment

      JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting 2012-11-20

      Co-authors (81)

        13 works (with: 1 others)

      1. Konstadia Lika

        10 works (with: 1 others)

      1. Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman

        6 works (with: 1 others)

      1. Jo Lynn Carroll

        5 works (with: 4 others)

      1. Daniel Howell
      2. Geir Morten Skeie
      3. Ole Jacob Broch
      4. Raymond Nepstad

        4 works (with: 2 others)

      1. Jonas Juselius
      2. Nina Marn

        3 works (with: 3 others)

      1. Frode Bendiksen Vikebø
      2. Gonçalo M. Marques
      3. Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman

        2 works (with: 5 others)

      1. Benoit Goussen
      2. Frode Vikebø
      3. Laure Pecquerie
      4. Lionel Camus
      5. Sebastiaan A. L. M. Kooijman

        1 works (with: 64 others)

      1. Hector Andrade
      2. Adriana E. Sardi
      3. Øystein Varpe
      4. Amy Hurford
      5. Alexei Bambulyak
      6. Andre Gergs
      7. André Gergs
      8. Andreas Focks
      9. Andrey V. Dolgov
      10. Anna-Maija Nyman
      11. B. Sadoul
      12. Bob W. Kooi
      13. Bruno Danis
      14. Carlo Albert
      15. Charlène Guillaumot
      16. D. Wanamaker Alan
      17. David Heckmann
      18. Denis Moiseev
      19. E. Zimmer
      20. Elke I. Zimmer
      21. Evgeniia Raskhozheva
      22. Faten Gabsi
      23. Gro Harlaug Refseth
      24. Haakon Hop
      25. Håvard G. Frøysa
      26. Irene Ballesta-Artero
      27. Jaap van der Meer
      28. Jan Baas
      29. Jean-Lou Dorne
      30. Jessica L. Stubbs
      31. Joany Mariño
      32. Karin Veltman
      33. M.-L. Bégout
      34. M.M. Vijayan
      35. Magnus Aune
      36. Madelyn J. Mette
      37. Markus Ebeling
      38. Mathew A. Vanderklift
      39. Mathias Bockwoldt
      40. Michael L. Carroll
      41. Nicola J. Mitchell
      42. Nina Cedergreen
      43. Nynke I. Kramer
      44. Paul J. Van den Brink
      45. Paul E. Renaud
      46. Radovan Bast
      47. Ralf B. Schäfer
      48. Ramón Filgueira
      49. Richard D. Pillans
      50. Rob Witbaard
      51. Romain Lavaud
      52. Roman Ashauer
      53. Sandrine Charles
      54. Sebastiaan Kooijman
      55. Simon A. Morley
      56. Sören Vogel
      57. Stefan Reichenberger
      58. Suzanne C. Dufour
      59. Thomas G. Preuss
      60. Thomas Saucède
      61. Tiago Domingos
      62. Tjalling Jager
      63. Veronique Poulsen
      64. Virginie Ducrot