
Distribution and ecology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the eastern Barents Sea: A review of historical literature

Marine Environmental Research ()

Open access, licensed under CC BY NC ND

3 Akvaplan-niva (current employee)

5 Akvaplan-niva (prior employee)

Authors (12)
  1. Magnus Aune
  2. Evgeniia Raskhozheva
  3. Hector Andrade
  4. Starrlight Augustine
  5. Alexei Bambulyak
  6. Lionel Camus
  7. JoLynn Carroll
  8. Andrey V. Dolgov
  9. Haakon Hop
  10. Denis Moiseev
  11. Paul E. Renaud
  12. Øystein Varpe

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