Jo Lynn Carroll
prior employee

Publications (153)

  1. Mind the gap – Relevant design for laboratory oil exposure of fish as informed by a numerical impact assessment model

    Håvard G. Frøysa, Raymond Nepstad [+6]

    Science of The Total Environment 2023-12

  2. An impact-based environmental risk assessment model toolbox for offshore produced water discharges

    Raymond Nepstad, Konstantinos Kotzakoulakis [+3]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2023-06

  3. An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries

    JoLynn Carroll, Håvard G. Frøysa [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11

  1. A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

    Benjamin Planque, Johanna M. Aarflot [+15]

    Ecological Modelling 2022-09

  2. Northeast Arctic Cod and Prey Match-Mismatch in a High-Latitude Spring-Bloom System

    Frode B. Vikebø, Ole Jacob Broch [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-12-20

  3. Simulating crude oil exposure, uptake and effects in North Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus populations

    Ole Jacob Broch, Raymond Nepstad [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2020-12

  4. Publisher Correction: A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes

    Stephen Nayfach, Simon Roux [+262]

    Nature Biotechnology 2020-11-18

  5. A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes

    Stephen Nayfach, Simon Roux [+266]

    Nature Biotechnology 2020-11-09

  6. Cold Seeps in a Warming Arctic: Insights for Benthic Ecology

    Emmelie K. L. Åström, Arunima Sen [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-05-21

  7. Chemosynthesis influences food web and community structure in high-Arctic benthos

    EKL Åström, ML Carroll [+5]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019-10-24

  8. Geophysical and geochemical controls on the megafaunal community of a high Arctic cold seep

    Arunima Sen, Emmelie K. L. Åström [+6]

    Biogeosciences 2018-07-25

  9. Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Vikebø [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018-01

  10. A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity

    Luke R. Thompson, Jon G. Sanders [+302]

    Nature 2017-11-01

  11. Methane cold seeps as biological oases in the high‐Arctic deep sea

    Emmelie K. L. Åström, Michael L. Carroll [+4]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2017-10-27

  12. Postglacial response of Arctic Ocean gas hydrates to climatic amelioration

    Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+9]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017-06-05

  13. Microbial and viral-like rhodopsins present in coastal marine sediments from four polar and subpolar regions

    José L. López, Marcelo Golemba [+8]

    FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2016-11-03

  14. Sediment transport and deposition in the Ingøydjupet trough, SW Barents Sea

    J. Junttila, J. Carroll [+2]

    Continental Shelf Research 2014-03

  15. Toxicity data for modeling impacts of oil components in an Arctic ecosystem

    G.H. Olsen, C. Klok [+13]

    Marine Environmental Research 2013-09

  16. Bioaccumulation of phenanthrene and benzo[a]pyrene in Calanus finmarchicus

    Louise Kiel Jensen, Jani O. Honkanen [+2]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2012-04

  17. Arctic versus temperate comparison of risk assessment metrics for 2-methyl-naphthalene

    Gro Harlaug Olsen, Mathijs G.D. Smit [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2011-10

  18. Effects of mortality changes on biomass and production in Calanus spp. populations

    J Skardhamar, M Reigstad [+4]

    Aquatic Biology 2011-04-28

  19. Ecotoxicological Mechanisms and Models in an Impact Analysis Tool for Oil Spills

    Frederik De Laender, Gro Harlaug Olsen [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011-03-09

  20. Sedimentary radioactive tracers and diffusive models

    J. Carroll & I. Lerche

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2010-08

  21. Sources and distributions of 137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu radionuclides in the north-western Barents Sea

    Agata Zaborska, Jerzy Wojciech Mietelski [+3]

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2010-04

  22. Sedimentation and particle dynamics in the seasonal ice zone of the Barents Sea

    Kanchan Maiti, JoLynn Carroll [+1]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2010-01

  23. Accumulation of organic carbon in western Barents Sea sediments

    JoLynn Carroll, Agata Zaborska [+4]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  24. Carbon flux and ecosystem feedback in the northern Barents Sea in an era of climate change: An introduction

    P. Wassmann, J. Carroll [+1]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  25. Recent sediment accumulation rates for the Western margin of the Barents Sea

    Agata Zaborska, JoLynn Carroll [+5]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  26. Effects of drill cuttings on biogeochemical fluxes and macrobenthos of marine sediments

    Morten Thorne Schaanning, Hilde Cecilie Trannum [+3]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008-06

  27. PCBs, PBDEs and pesticides released to the Arctic Ocean by the Russian Rivers Ob and Yenisei

    JoLynn Carroll, Vladimir Savinov [+4]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2007-11-23

  28. Seabird Guano Is an Efficient Conveyer of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to Arctic Lake Ecosystems

    A. Evenset, J. Carroll [+4]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2007-01-11

  29. Intercomparison of alpha and gamma spectrometry techniques used in 210Pb geochronology

    Agata Zaborska, JoLynn Carroll [+2]

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2007-01

  30. Stable carbon and hydrogen isotope measurements on Black Sea water-column methane

    W.S. Reeburgh, S.C. Tyler [+1]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2006-08

  31. A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments

    Louise Kiel Jensen, JoLynn Carroll [+4]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-05

  32. Snow and ice concentrations of selected persistent pollutants in the Ob–Yenisey River watershed

    S. Melnikov, J. Carroll [+3]

    Science of The Total Environment 2003-05

  33. Bioaccumulation of radiocaesium in Arctic seals

    JoLynn Carroll, Hans Wolkers [+2]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2002-12

  34. Radioactivity near the Sunken Submarine “Kursk” in the Southern Barents Sea

    Genady G. Matishov, Dimitry G. Matishov [+4]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2002-03-28

  35. Artificial radionuclides in sediments of the Don River Estuary and Azov Sea

    Genady G Matishov, Dimitry G Matishov [+3]

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2002-01

  36. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediments of the White Sea, Russia

    Vladimir M Savinov, Tatiana N Savinova [+4]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2000-10

  37. Transport processes in the Kara Sea

    Thomas A. McClimans, Donald R. Johnson [+4]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2000-06-15

  38. Discharges of nuclear waste into the Kola Bay and its impact on human radiological doses

    Genady G. Matishov, Dimitry G. Matishov [+3]

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2000-03

  39. Distribution coefficients (Kd's) for use in risk assessment models of the Kara Sea

    J Carroll, F Boisson [+7]

    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1999-07

  40. Geochronology of Lake Baikal from 210Pb and 137Cs radioisotopes

    J. Carroll, M. Williamson [+3]

    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1999-06

  41. Anthropogenic radionuclides in Kola and Motovsky Bays of the Barents Sea, Russia

    Genady G. Matishov, Dmitry G. Matishov [+3]

    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1999-04

  42. Sediment ages and flux variations from depth profiles of 210Pb: lake and marine examples

    J Carroll, I Lerche [+2]

    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1999-04

  43. Transport Pathways of Radionuclides and Chemical Contaminants in the Kara Sea

    M. Krosshavn, J. Carroll [+6]

    Radiation Protection Dosimetry 1998-01-01

  44. Summary of IAEA-MEL's investigation of Kara Sea radioactivity and radiological assessment

    P.P. Povinec, I. Osvath [+8]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 1997-07

  45. Radionuclide adsorption to sediments from nuclear waste dumping sites in the Kara Sea

    J. Carroll, F. Boisson [+2]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 1997-07

  46. A note on partition coefficient distributions

    J. Carroll & I. Lerche

    Mathematical Geology 1996-11

  47. Uranium removal during low discharge in the Ganges-Brahmaputra mixing zone

    JoLynn Carroll & Willard S. Moore

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1993-11

  48. The role of the Ganges-Brahmaputra mixing zone in supplying barium and226Ra to the Bay of Bengal

    Jolynn Carroll, kelly Kenison Falkner [+2]

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1993-07

  49. Determining resolution for profiles in marine sediments

    J.L Carroll & I Lerche

    Marine Chemistry 1991-04

  50. A simplified method for 226Ra determinations in natural waters

    Jolynn Butts, James F. Todd [+3]

    Marine Chemistry 1988-12

  51. A new method for the rapid measurement of 224Ra in natural waters

    undefined Rama, James F Todd [+2]

    Marine Chemistry 1987-11

Conference presentation
  1. Using a numerical model to propose a new laboratory oil exposure design

    Håvard Guldbrandsen Frøysa, Raymond Nepstad [+6]

    46th Larval Fish Conference 2023-05-07

  2. An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie [+30]

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014-01-26

  1. SYMBIOSES - An integrated modeling framework for decision support in marine ecosystem based management

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Arctic Frontiers 2013 2013-01-20

  2. An ecosystem based impact assessment and management tool for the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting 2012-11-20

  3. Ecotoxicological mechanisms and models in an impact analysis tool for oil spills

    Frederik De Laender, Gro Harlaug Olsen [+11]

    3rd Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2010-04-12

  4. Carbon flux and ecosystem feedback in the northern Barents Sea in an era of climate change

    Marit Reigstad & JoLynn Carroll

    Arctic Frontiers Conference 2009-01-19

  5. Effects of petroleum-associated compounds on the energy budget of Arctic benthic organisms

    Gro Olsen, Eirin Sva [+4]

    SETAC Europe annual meeting 2007-05-20
  1. The Arctic seas

    Michael L. Carroll & JoLynn Carroll

    Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems 2020-02-03

  2. Chapter 26. The Practicalities of the Ecosystem Approach in the Barents Sea: The ECOBAR Project

    Tavis Potts, Branka Valcic [+2]

    The Limits of Maritime Jurisdiction 2014-01-01

  3. Challenges Performing Risk Assessment in the Arctic

    Gro Harlaug Olsen, JoLynn Carroll [+3]

    Produced Water 2011

  1. Bioaccumulation of radiocaesium in Arctic seals from Northeast Greenland

    JoLynn Carroll, Kristina Rissanen [+1]

    Radionuclides in the Environment - Int. Conf. On Isotopes in Env. Studies 2006

  2. Preface

    JoLynn Carroll & Ian Lerche

    Sedimentary Processes:Quantification Using Radionuclides 2003

Conference poster
  1. Chemosynthesis-influenced trophic relationships and community structure at Barents Sea cold seeps

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+5]

    EGU General Assembly 2019 2019-04-07

  2. Trophic relationships and community structure at cold seeps in the Barents Sea

    Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+5]

    ARCTOS annual meeting 2018 2018-03-13

  3. Methane Cold Seeps as a Biological Oasis in the High-Arctic Deep-sea: Benthic community structure at Vestnesa seep, 79˚ N

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

    ARCTOS annual meeting 2018 2018-03-13

  1. Trophic relationships and community structure at cold seeps in the Barents Sea

    Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+5]

    Arctic Frontiers 2018 2018-01-21

  2. Arctic cold seeps in marine methane hydrate environments: impacts on shelf macrobenthic community structure offshore Svalbard

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+2]

    13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

  3. Exploring Arctic cold seeps with photomosaics and GIS

    Arunima Sen, Emmelie Åström [+2]

    13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

  4. Biomonitoring polluted sediments in Arctic regions - possibilities and challenges using benthic foraminifera. Case studies from northern Norway

    Kari Skirbekk, Noortje Dijkstra [+5]

    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

  5. Differential methane oxidation activity and microbial community composition at cold seeps in the Arctic off western Svalbard

    Friederike Gründger, Mette Marianne Svenning [+7]

    EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

  6. Methane discharge from Arctic gas hydrates: warming or natural ventilation?

    Wei-Li Hong, Marta E. Torres [+4]

    AMGG research school meeting 2016-04-11

  7. Benthic faunal community structure associated with an Arctic deep sea cold seep at 79°N, Svalbard

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

    Gordon Research Conferences, Natural Gas Hydrate Systems. 2016-02-28

  8. Differential methane oxidation activity and microbial community composition at cold seeps in the Arctic off western Svalbard

    Friederike Gründger, Mette Marianne Svenning [+7]

    Gordon Research Conferences, Natural Gas Hydrate Systems. 2016-02-28

  9. Benthic macro fauna in Svalbard methane seeps: Community structure and signs of novel methane-associated species

    Emmelie Karin Linnea Åström, Michael Carroll [+4]

    Arctic Frontiers Meeting 2015-01-18

  10. Tracing methane emissions in the Arctic Ocean using foraminifera

    Giuliana Panieri, Chiara Consolaro [+9]

    Gordon Research Conference on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems 2014-03-23

  1. Environmental Changes of the Last Glacial Cycle Controlling a Re-Emerging Arctic Gas Hydrate System

    Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+9]

    9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates 2017-06-25

  2. Methane release at underwater mounds in the Barents Sea: Impact on Arctic macro-benthic faunal communities

    Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+3]

    Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic and Arctic Seas - ESSAS 2017-06-13

  3. Sub-seabed methane emissions influences infaunal and megafaunal community structure at Vestnesa cold seep, 79 N°

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

    13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

  4. Deglaciation-driven methane release developing gas hydrate pingos at Storfjordrenna Trough, Svalbard

    Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+8]

    13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

  5. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

    Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

    4th International Sclerochronology Conference 2016-06-05

  6. Infaunal and megafaunal benthic community structure associated with cold seeps at the Vestnesa Ridge (79 N)

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

    EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

  7. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

    Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

    EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

  8. Methanotrophic activity in the water column above shallow gas flares west of Prins Karls Forland, Arctic Ocean

    Friederike Gründger, Mette Marianne Svenning [+7]

    EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

  9. Infaunal and megafaunal community structure associated with cold seeps at the Vestnesa Ridge (79 N°) Svalbard

    Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

    AMGG research school meeting 2016-04-11

  10. Differential methane oxidation activity and microbial community composition at cold seeps in the Arctic off western Svalbard

    Friederike Gründger, Mette Marianne Svenning [+7]

    AMGG research school meeting 2016-04-11

  11. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

    Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

    45th Benthic Ecology Meeting 2016-03-16

  12. Differential methane oxidation activity and microbial community composition at cold seeps in the Arctic off western Svalbard

    Friederike Gründger, Mette Marianne Svenning [+7]

    Ocean Sciences meeting 2016 2016-02-21

  13. Chemosynthetic-influenced benthic macro faunal communities in Svalbard, Norway

    Emmelie Karin Linnea Åström, Michael Carroll [+4]

    AMGG Research School Workshop 2015-03-23

  14. Coupling and feedbacks in the thermogenic gas hydrate system of the Arctic

    Jurgen Mienert, JoLynn Carroll [+13]

    PERGAMON Final Symposium 2013-11-05

  15. SYMBIOSES – et integrert modelleringsverktøry for støtte til marin økosystem basert forvaltning

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Risikoforvaltning, fiskeri og nye næringer i Nord 2013-09-17

    1. Arctic Ocean: Radionuclides

      Agata Zaborska & JoLynn Carroll

      Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry 2011-12-15

        Academic article
        1. PCBs, PBDEs and pesticides released to the Arctic Ocean by the Russian Rivers Ob and Yenisei

          JoLynn Carroll, Vladimir Savinov [+4]

          Environmental Science and Technology 2008

        2. Carbon flux and ecosystem feed back in the northern Barents Sea in an era of climate change: An introduction

          Paul Friedrich Wassmann, JoLynn Carroll [+1]

          Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008

        1. Seabird Guano is an efficient conveyer of persistent organic pollutants (Pops) to Arctic Lake Ecosystems

          Anita Evenset, Jo Lynn Carroll [+4]

          Environmental Science and Technology 2007

        2. A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments

          Louise Kiel Jensen, JoLynn Carroll [+4]

          Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006

        3. Radioactivity near the sunken submarine Kursk in the Southern Barents Sea

          G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+4]

          Environmental Science and Technology 2002

        4. Snow and ice concentrations of selected persistent pollutants in the Ob -Yenisey River watershed

          S. Melnikov, JoLynn Carroll [+3]

          Science of the Total Environment 2002

        5. Artificial radionuclides in the Don River estuary and Azov Sea

          G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

          Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2002

        6. Discharges of nuclear waste into the Kola Bay and its impact on human radiological doses

          G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

          Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2000

        7. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of the White Sea, Russia

          V. M. Savinov, Tatiana Savinova [+4]

          Marine Pollution Bulletin 2000

        8. Anthropogenic radionuclides in the Kola and Motovsky Bays of the Barents Sea

          G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

          Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1999

        9. Miljøovervåking i Nordområdene – noen eksempler

          Salve Dahle & JoLynn Carroll

          Vann 1999

        Academic chapter
        1. The Arctic Seas

          Michael Leslie Carroll & JoLynn Carroll

          Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems 2003

          Co-authors (905)

            41 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Michael L. Carroll

            28 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Emmelie K. L. Åström

            24 works (with: 1 others)

          1. William G. Ambrose Jr.

            19 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Salve Dahle

            18 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Arunima Sen

            17 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Anna Silyakova

            15 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Pavel Serov

            14 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Giuliana Panieri

            13 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Wei-Li Hong

            12 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Gro Harlaug Refseth

            11 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Lionel Camus

            10 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Raymond Nepstad

            9 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Helge Niemann

            8 works (with: 4 others)

          1. Juho Junttila
          2. Mariana Lozada
          3. Ole Jacob Broch
          4. Sara Sjöling

            7 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Geir Morten Skeie
          2. Karin Andreassen

            6 works (with: 5 others)

          1. Agata Zaborska
          2. Daniel Howell
          3. Jonas Juselius
          4. Noortje Dijkstra
          5. Starrlight Augustine

            5 works (with: 10 others)

          1. Aleksei D Portnov
          2. Friederike Gründger
          3. Frode Bendiksen Vikebø
          4. G.G. Matishov
          5. Hebe Dionisi
          6. Janusz Pempkowiak
          7. Jurgen Mienert
          8. Mette Marianne Svenning
          9. Vladimir Savinov
          10. Walter P. Mac Cormack

            4 works (with: 15 others)

          1. Tatjana N. Savinova
          2. Louise Kiel Jensen
          3. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
          4. Carlo Papucci
          5. D. G. Matishov
          6. Eirin Sva
          7. Gunter Wegener
          8. Janet Jansson
          9. Janet K. Jansson
          10. Kari Skirbekk
          11. Katrine Husum
          12. Morten Hald
          13. Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta
          14. Torgeir Bakke
          15. William Locke

            3 works (with: 41 others)

          1. Gunnar Pedersen
          2. Iris Jæger
          3. Øystein Varpe
          4. A. A. Namjatov
          5. Anita Evenset
          6. Alexey Portnov
          7. Ashley Shade
          8. Beata Sternal
          9. Benedicte Ferré
          10. Bjørn Einar Grøsvik
          11. Chris Klok
          12. D. Gregor
          13. David Myrold
          14. Frederik De Laender
          15. Genady G. Matishov
          16. Guttorm Christensen
          17. Graham Oliver
          18. Håvard G. Frøysa
          19. Hebe M. Dionisi
          20. Henry Patton
          21. I. Lerche
          22. Jacob Parnell
          23. Joshua Ladau
          24. Kristine Bondo Pedersen
          25. Ketil Hylland
          26. Ketil Hylland
          27. Kristina Rissanen
          28. Leif Lundgren
          29. Malin Waage
          30. Mathias Bockwoldt
          31. Matthew Schrenk
          32. Matthias Forwick
          33. Maureen L. Coleman
          34. Mónica Medina
          35. Øystein Langangen
          36. Paul E. Renaud
          37. S. Craig Cary
          38. Steven J. Hallam
          39. Torsten Thomas
          40. Trond Nordtug
          41. Willard S. Moore

            2 works (with: 291 others)

          1. Jani O. Honkanen
          2. Perrine Geraudie
          3. A. Gorshkov
          4. Adam P. Arkin
          5. Adey Desta
          6. Aditi Sengupta
          7. Alexander Loy
          8. Alexander Sczyrba
          9. Alexandre M. Anesio
          10. Alexey A. Namjatov
          11. Aline Maria da Silva
          12. Alison Buchan
          13. Allyson Brady
          14. Alvaro M. Plominsky
          15. Andrea Schneider
          16. Andreas Brune
          17. Andreas Teske
          18. Andreia Plaza-Faverola
          19. Andrew J. Loder
          20. Anja Poehlein
          21. Anna M. Cates
          22. Anthony Bertagnolli
          23. Anthony P. Neumann
          24. Antoine Crémière
          25. Ana Sofia Aniceto
          26. Ashley N. Campbell
          27. Aurèle Vuillemin
          28. Axel Visel
          29. Barbara Campbell
          30. Barbara MacGregor
          31. Bart C. Weimer
          32. Bela Hausmann
          33. Ben Woodcroft
          34. Benjamin Tully
          35. Bernard Henrissat
          36. Beverly Flood
          37. Brandon K. Swan
          38. Brendan Bohannan
          39. Brent Nowinski
          40. Brett Baker
          41. Brian Hedlund
          42. Byron Crump
          43. Cameron Currie
          44. Cameron Thrash
          45. Camilla L. Nesbø
          46. Cara Magnabosco
          47. Carey Donald
          48. Caroline S. Fortunato
          49. Cathrine Lund Myhre
          50. Charlene Kelly
          51. Cheryl A. Kerfeld
          52. Chris S. McSweeney
          53. Christen L. Grettenberger
          54. Christian Rinke
          55. Christine Sharp
          56. Christopher Francis
          57. Christopher L. Dupont
          58. Christopher S. Henry
          59. Christopher W. Schadt
          60. Claire M. M. Gachon
          61. Claire S. Ting
          62. Colin J. Brislawn
          63. Colin R. Janssen
          64. Connor Morgan-Lang
          65. Cynthia Henny
          66. Dag Slagstad
          67. Dale Pelletier
          68. Dana Hunt
          69. Daniel H. Buckley
          70. Daniel Noguera
          71. Daniel Schachtman
          72. Daniel Udwary
          73. David A. C. Beck
          74. David A. Walsh
          75. David H. Sherman
          76. David L. Valentine
          77. David Paez-Espino
          78. Dawn Sumner
          79. Dimitry G. Matishov
          80. Donald A. Bryant
          81. Dongying Wu
          82. Duane Moser
          83. Dylan Chivian
          84. Edward Kirton
          85. Elin Sørhus
          86. Elisha M. Wood-Charlson
          87. Elizabeth A. Edwards
          88. Emiley A. Eloe-Fadrosh
          89. Emily B. Hollister
          90. Eric Allen
          91. Eric D. Becraft
          92. Erica B. Young
          93. Feiqiao Brian Yu
          94. Frank Stewart
          95. Frederik Schulz
          96. Frode B. Vikebø
          97. Frode Vikebø
          98. Garret Suen
          99. Gary Andersen
          100. Gene Tyson
          101. Gerard Muyzer
          102. Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh
          103. Gordon T. Taylor
          104. Graeme Attwood
          105. Hanno Teeling
          106. Haoyi Yao
          107. Harry R. Beller
          108. Hazel A. Barton
          109. Helena Abreu
          110. Hinsby Cadillo-Quiroz
          111. Holly Simon
          112. I Lerche
          113. I-Min Chen
          114. Ian Lerche
          115. IMG/M Data Consortium
          116. Ingrid Ellingsen
          117. Isabel Natalia Sierra-Garcia
          118. Israel Figueroa
          119. J. Michael Beman
          120. J.D Abraham
          121. Jake Bailey
          122. James C. Stegen
          123. James Tiedje
          124. Jamie Woolet
          125. Jan Hendriks
          126. Janaka N. Edirisinghe
          127. Javad Gharechahi
          128. Jay Osvatic
          129. Jean VanderGheynst
          130. Jeanette Norton
          131. Jeff Kimbrel
          132. Jennifer M. Bhatnagar
          133. Jennifer Pett-Ridge
          134. Jennifer R. Brum
          135. Jeremy Dodsworth
          136. Jessica Jarett
          137. Jessica Mizzi
          138. Jiarong Guo
          139. Joan Slonczewski
          140. Joao C. Setubal
          141. Jochen Knies
          142. John Gladden
          143. John R. Spear
          144. John Vollmers
          145. Jonathan L. Klassen
          146. Jonathan M. Conway
          147. Jonathan Tarn
          148. Jordan T. Bird
          149. Jorge L. Mazza Rodrigues
          150. José P. Faria
          151. Joshua Sackett
          152. Joy Buongiorno
          153. Juliet Brodie
          154. Jun Ye
          155. Kabir G. Peay
          156. Karen Rossmassler
          157. Katherine A. Dynarski
          158. Katherine McMahon
          159. Kelly Gravuer
          160. Kelly Wrighton
          161. Klaus Nüsslein
          162. Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis
          163. Krishna Palaniappan
          164. Laila P. Partida-Martinez
          165. Laura A. Hug
          166. Laura L. Lee
          167. Laura Meredith
          168. Leif Christian Stige
          169. Lena Gerwick
          170. Lily Momper
          171. Ludmila Chistoserdova
          172. Lydie Herfort
          173. Maisie Nash
          174. Marc W. Van Goethem
          175. Marcel Huntemann
          176. Maria C. Gazitua
          177. Maria Hernandez
          178. Maria Pachiadaki
          179. Marit Reigstad
          180. Mark Dopson
          181. Marta E. Torres
          182. Mary Ann Moran
          183. Mary Gradoville
          184. Mathijs Smit
          185. Matthew Scarborough
          186. Matthew Sullivan
          187. Matthias Hess
          188. Memory Tekere
          189. Merete Grung
          190. Michael Pester
          191. Michael Wilkins
          192. Michelle A. Allen
          193. Michelle A. O’Malley
          194. Mikayla A. Borton
          195. Molly C. Redmond
          196. Moritz Lehman
          197. Morten Hjorth
          198. Mostafa S. Elshahed
          199. Mussie Y. Habteselassie
          200. Natalia N. Ivanova
          201. Nathaniel Fortney
          202. Neha Varghese
          203. Nicholas B. Waldo
          204. Nigel J. Mouncey
          205. Nikolai Ravin
          206. Nikos C. Kyrpides
          207. Nina Dombrowski
          208. Noha H. Youssef
          209. Olga V. Shubenkova
          210. Olivia S. Hershey
          211. Osvlado Ulloa
          212. Paramvir Dehal
          213. Paul van der Wielen
          214. Peter Dunfield
          215. Peter Girguis
          216. Petr Baldrian
          217. Petra Pjevac
          218. Philippe Constant
          219. Phillip B. Pope
          220. R. Kallenborn
          221. R. Michael McKay
          222. Rachel Simister
          223. Radovan Bast
          224. Rafael S. Oliveira
          225. Rafael Soares Correa de Souza
          226. Ramunas Stepanauskas
          227. Rebecca B. Neumann
          228. Rebecca Daly
          229. Rebecca Reiss
          230. Rekha Seshadri
          231. Ricardo Cavicchioli
          232. Rizlan Bernier-Latmani
          233. Robert J. Gruninger
          234. Robert Kelly
          235. Roel Smolders
          236. Roland Hatzenpichler
          237. Rose Ann Cattolico
          238. Ryan Ziels
          239. S. Melnikov
          240. S. Vlasov
          241. Sara E. Blumer-Schuette
          242. Sarahi L. Garcia
          243. Sari Peura
          244. Scott Saleska
          245. Sean Crowe
          246. Sean M. Caffrey
          247. Sean P. Jungbluth
          248. Silvia G. Acinas
          249. Simon Roux
          250. Sonnich Meier
          251. Stefan Bertilsson
          252. Stefan Bünz
          253. Stephanie Carr
          254. Stephen E. Grasby
          255. Stephen Nayfach
          256. Steven Brown
          257. Stuart E. Denman
          258. Supratim Mukherjee
          259. Susan H. Brawley
          260. Susannah G. Tringe
          261. T. B. K. Reddy
          262. Tamara I. Zemskaya
          263. Tanja Woyke
          264. Terry C. Hazen
          265. Terry Gentry
          266. Thea Whitman
          267. Thomas Mock
          268. Timothy D. Berry
          269. Timothy Donohue
          270. Timothy Driscoll
          271. Timothy J. Williams
          272. Tine Lander Rasmussen
          273. Tobin J. Verbeke
          274. Torben Nielsen
          275. Trent Northen
          276. Tullis Onstott
          277. Ulf Lindstrøm
          278. Valeria Maia de Oliveira
          279. Vincent Denef
          280. Virginia Edgcomb
          281. Virginia Rich
          282. Viridiana Avila-Magaña
          283. Vitaly V. Kadnikov
          284. Walter Mac Cormack
          285. Wen-Jun Li
          286. Wesley Swingley
          287. William Kelly
          288. Wim De Coen
          289. Xuefeng Peng
          290. Yacine Badis
          291. Yang Ouyang

            1 works (with: 524 others)

          1.  . Grenness
          2. Martin Biuw
          3. Hector Andrade
          4. Fredrik Broms
          5. Johannes Wolkers
          6. Alexey K. Pavlov
          7. Hilde Cecilie Trannum
          8. A Sen
          9. A. Blanchard
          10. A. E. Namjatov
          11. A. Jan Hendriks
          12. A. Johnsen
          13. A. Nikitin
          14. A. Polukhina
          15. A. Zaborska
          16. A.B. Ruud
          17. A.G Stevenson
          18. A.J. Hendriks
          19. Aaron Clauset
          20. Aaron R. Jex
          21. Alexandra H. Campbell
          22. Alexandra M. Linz
          23. Alexey A Namjatov
          24. Alexey E. Namjatov
          25. Allison Berry
          26. Allison E. Williams
          27. Alun Hubbard
          28. Alun Lloyd Hubbard
          29. Alyssa Cochran
          30. Amnon Amir
          31. Amy Apprill
          32. Alexei Bambulyak
          33. Andaine Seguin-Orlando
          34. Anders Karlsson
          35. Andreia Plaza‐Faverola
          36. Andrew P. Rees
          37. Andrew Whitehead
          38. Andrey V. Dolgov
          39. Anna Forsman
          40. Anni Moore
          41. Anson V. Koehler
          42. Antje Gittel
          43. Antoine Cremiere
          44. Anton A. Korosov
          45. Antonio González
          46. Antonio M. Martín-Platero
          47. Antonio Schirone
          48. Anupriya Tripathi
          49. Asha Rani
          50. Ashish Bhatnagar
          51. Aurora MacRae-Crerar
          52. B. Konar
          53. B.E. Grøsvik
          54. B.H. Hansen
          55. B.I. Sirenko
          56. Baddr Shakhsheer
          57. Bazartseren Boldgiv
          58. Beck Wehrle
          59. Benjamin B. Crary
          60. Benjamin D. Shogan
          61. Benjamin L. Turner
          62. Benjamin Planque
          63. Bérengère Husson
          64. Berit Kjeldstad
          65. Bharath Prithiviraj
          66. Bjarte Bogstad
          67. Bonnie Laverock
          68. Branka Valcic
          69. Brenda B. Casper
          70. Brenda L. Norcross
          71. Brent Stephens
          72. Britt Salbu
          73. Byron C. Crump
          74. C Wexels Riser
          75. C. Klok
          76. C.R. Jansen
          77. Caitlin Potter
          78. Carol Robinson
          79. Catherine M. Spirito
          80. Catherine Pfister
          81. Cathrine Spikkerud
          82. Cecilie Hansen
          83. Cesar Cardona
          84. Chia L. Tan
          85. Chiara Consolaro
          86. Chris Freeman
          87. Christopher Quince
          88. Clarissa Akemi Kajiya Endo
          89. Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson
          90. Cock van Oosterhout
          91. Colin Janssen
          92. Colleen T. E. Kellogg
          93. Congcong Shen
          94. D Slagstad
          95. D. Herzke
          96. D. Johnson
          97. D. Lee Taylor
          98. D.C.G. Muir
          99. D.F. Williams
          100. D.J Cisar
          101. D.S Landeen
          102. Dag O. Hessen
          103. Dan G. Moore
          104. Daniel A. Cristol
          105. Daniel McDonald
          106. Daniel P. Smith
          107. Daniel van der Lelie
          108. Daniela Rial
          109. Daniela Vargas-Robles
          110. Danielle C. Claar
          111. Danilo Ercolini
          112. Dave Shutler
          113. David A. Lipson
          114. David A. Mills
          115. David Armitage
          116. David Garshelis
          117. Denis Moiseev
          118. Derek C. G. Muir
          119. Dimitry G Matishov
          120. Diogo Jurelevicius
          121. Dionysios A. Antonopoulos
          122. Dmitry G. Matishov
          123. Dmitry Pozdnyakov
          124. Donal M. Boyer
          125. Donald A. Walker
          126. Donald R. Johnson
          127. Donglai Gong
          128. Donna Berg-Lyons
          129. Douglas C. Woodhams
          130. Duoying Cui
          131. E Breuer
          132. E. Farmen
          133. E. Karabanov
          134. E. Ravagnan
          135. E. Sva
          136. Edgardo Hernández
          137. Elisa Ravagnan
          138. Elizabeth Pilon-Smits
          139. Elliot S. Friedman
          140. Elliot Sivel
          141. Embriette Hyde
          142. Emily M. Landon
          143. Eric A. Dubinsky
          144. Eric Bottos
          145. Eric R. Johnston
          146. Erik Thorson Brown
          147. Eske Willerslev
          148. Evelyn Strombom
          149. Evgeniia Raskhozheva
          150. Evguenia Kopylova
          151. Ezequiel M. Marzinelli
          152. F Boisson
          153. F. Boisson
          154. F. De Laender
          155. F. Joseph Pollock
          156. Fabian Michelangeli
          157. Fernando Espínola
          158. Filippa Fransner
          159. Florence Boisson
          160. Folker Meyer
          161. Forest Rohwer
          162. Francis Q. Brearley
          163. Fred Godtliebsen
          164. Frédéric Delsuc
          165. G. Cherkashov
          166. G. Dunaev
          167. G. Ivanov
          168. G. Petrenko
          169. G. W. Gabrielsen
          170. G.B Shimmield
          171. Gabriela M. Sheets
          172. Gail Ackermann
          173. Gary M. King
          174. Gavin Collins
          175. Geir Wing Gabrielsen
          176. Genady G Matishov
          177. Gennady G Matishov
          178. Georg Elvebakk
          179. George W. Kling
          180. Giancarlo Galindo
          181. Glida Hidalgo
          182. Graeme W. Nicol
          183. Gregory D. Mayer
          184. Gregory Humphrey
          185. Gro Olsen
          186. Gunnar Gerdts
          187. H Niemann
          188. H. Pettersson
          189. Haakon Hop
          190. Haiyan Chu
          191. Hakdong Shin
          192. Hans-Peter Grossart
          193. Håvard Guldbrandsen Frøysa
          194. Helen S. Findlay
          195. Helene Øveraas
          196. Hongxia Zhao
          197. I. Harms
          198. I. Osvath
          199. Ina Timling
          200. Ingo H. Harms
          201. Iratxe Zarraonaindia
          202. Iris I. Levin
          203. Irma D. Fleming
          204. Isaac Gifford
          205. J Skardhamar
          206. J. Gastaud
          207. J. Gregory Caporaso
          208. J. Junttila
          209. J. L. Olssøn
          210. J. N. Smith
          211. J.-L Teyssie
          212. J.-L. Teyssie
          213. J.A Howe
          214. J.V.K. Kukkonen
          215. Jack A. Gilbert
          216. Jad Kanbar
          217. James E. McDonald
          218. James F Todd
          219. James F. Todd
          220. James T. Morton
          221. Jamie M. McDevitt-Irwin
          222. Jarrad Hampton-Marcell
          223. Jason Andras
          224. Jed A. Fuhrman
          225. Jeff Hooker
          226. Jeffrey J. Werner
          227. Jeffrey L. Blanchard
          228. Jeffrey Siegel
          229. Jenni Hultman
          230. Jennifer Defazio
          231. Jennifer F. Biddle
          232. Jeremiah Minich
          233. Jerzy Wojciech Mietelski
          234. Jesse Zaneveld
          235. Jessica L. Metcalf
          236. Jirˇí Bárta
          237. Johanna M. Aarflot
          238. John Alverdy
          239. John Norton Smith
          240. Jolanta Walkusz-Miotk
          241. Jon G. Sanders
          242. Jonathan B. Clayton
          243. Jonathan E. Hickman
          244. Jordan Kueneman
          245. Jose A. Navas-Molina
          246. Jose C. Clemente
          247. Jose L. Agosto Rivera
          248. José L. López
          249. Joseph R. Mendelson
          250. Josephine Braun
          251. Josh D. Neufeld
          252. Joshua Lefler
          253. Jozef I. Nissimov
          254. Juan Diego Ibáñez-Álamo
          255. Juan J. Soler
          256. Juan M. Peralta-Sánchez
          257. Julia K. Baum
          258. Julie D. Jastrow
          259. Julie LaRoche
          260. Jürgen Mienert
          261. K Eiane
          262. K. Husum
          263. K. Næs
          264. K. Viaene
          265. K.O. Coyle
          266. Kai Sørensen
          267. Kanchan Maiti
          268. Karel Viaene
          269. Karen Noyce
          270. Karen Tait
          271. Karl J. Rockne
          272. Kate Ballantine
          273. Katherine D. McMahon
          274. Katherine R. Amato
          275. Katherine S. Pollard
          276. Kefeng Niu
          277. Kelly D. Goodwin
          278. kelly Kenison Falkner
          279. Kelly Lane-deGraaf
          280. Kenneth J. Locey
          281. Kenneth P. Severin
          282. Ketil Eiane
          283. Kim M. Handley
          284. Kim Miller
          285. Kirsten S. Hofmockel
          286. Kirsti-Liisa Sjoeblom
          287. Konstantinos Kotzakoulakis
          288. Krista L. McGuire
          289. Kristen M. DeAngelis
          290. Kristin West
          291. Kristina Guyton
          292. Kristoffer Næs
          293. Krystle Chavarría
          294. Ksenia Pazdro
          295. L. De Hoop
          296. L. Huynh-Ngoc
          297. L. Margarita Martínez
          298. L. Scott Johnson
          299. L.Liong Wee Kwong
          300. Largus T. Angenent
          301. Lasse H. Pettersson
          302. Lauren M. Seyler
          303. Lauren V. Alteio
          304. Lee J. Kerkhof
          305. Leonardo Torricelli
          306. Lars-Henrik Larsen
          307. Liliana Davalos
          308. Linda A. Whittingham
          309. Lingjing Jiang
          310. Lisa Al-Moosawi
          311. Lisette de Hoop
          312. Liza Garcia
          313. LK Jensen
          314. Lucas Moitinho-Silva
          315. Luciano Anselmino
          316. Luciano E. Anselmino
          317. Lucie Bittner
          318. Lucie Buttay
          319. Lucy Seldin
          320. Ludovic Orlando
          321. Lukas van Zwieten
          322. Luke K. Ursell
          323. Luke R. Thompson
          324. M Krosshavn
          325. M Reigstad
          326. M. Hjorth
          327. M. Krosshavn
          328. M. Sabodina
          329. M. Vladimirov
          330. M. Williamson
          331. M.S Baxter
          332. M.S. Baxter
          333. Magnus Aune
          334. Magda Magris
          335. Magnus Andersen
          336. Manuel E. Lladser
          337. Manuel Martín-Vivaldi
          338. Manuel Martínez-Bueno
          339. Marcelo Golemba
          340. Maria Alexandra Garcia-Amado
          341. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello
          342. Marina Matos
          343. Marina N. Matos
          344. Marit Krosshavn
          345. Mark D. Schrenzel
          346. Mark Reed
          347. Marta E Torres
          348. Martin Sperling
          349. Mathijs G.D. Smit
          350. Mathijs GD Smit
          351. Matías A. Musumeci
          352. Matías Musumeci
          353. Mats A. Granskog
          354. Matthew J. Nolan
          355. Melita A. Stevens
          356. MF Lehmann
          357. Michael J. Tetley
          358. Miguel Lentino
          359. Miles Richardson
          360. Mohamed F. Haroon
          361. Molly K. Gibson
          362. Monica Bhatnagar
          363. Mónica Contreras
          364. Monika Krezalek
          365. Moritz Lehmann
          366. Morten D. Skogen
          367. Morten Thorne Schaanning
          368. N. Dijkstra
          369. N. Valetova
          370. Naseer Sangwan
          371. Nathalie Fenner
          372. Neslihan Tas¸
          373. Nicholas A. Bokulich
          374. Nicholas S. Fisher
          375. Nicole M. Scott
          376. Nicole S. Webster
          377. Nigel G. Yoccoz
          378. Noah Fierer
          379. Noriko Okamoto
          380. Nur A. Hasan
          381. Øivind Grenness
          382. Olayinka Osuolale
          383. Olivia U. Mason
          384. Øveraas Helene
          385. P. Smenov
          386. P. Wassmann
          387. P.P Povinec
          388. P.P. Povinec
          389. Pamela Weisenhorn
          390. Paola Piombino
          391. Paola Vitaglione
          392. Paul Friedrich Wassmann
          393. Paul Munroe
          394. Paul Wassmann
          395. Pepijn de Vries
          396. Peter D. Steinberg
          397. Peter Golyshin
          398. Peter Larsen
          399. Peter O. Dunn
          400. Peter Petraitis
          401. Pierre Liancourt
          402. Qikun Zhang
          403. Qiyun Zhu
          404. R. Aliev
          405. R. McCrea
          406. R.C. Highsmith
          407. R.G.J. Bellerby
          408. Rachael M. Morgan-Kiss
          409. Ragni Olssøn
          410. Raul Primicerio
          411. Ravi Ranjan
          412. Rebecca J. Safran
          413. Rebecca Vega Thurber
          414. Regina Lamendella
          415. Richard Bellerby
          416. Rick L. Stevens
          417. Rita L. Seger
          418. Rita R. Colwell
          419. Rob Knight
          420. Robert E. Espinoza
          421. Robert G. Clark
          422. Robert J. Prill
          423. Robert McCrea
          424. Robin B. Gasser
          425. Robin Dowell
          426. Roger Karlsson
          427. Ross Stephen Hall
          428. Russell D. Dawson
          429. Ryan McMinds
          430. Ryan T. Gill
          431. S. Ballestra
          432. S. Jannicke Moe
          433. S. Kalmykov
          434. S.C. Tyler
          435. S.E King
          436. S.E. King
          437. S.G. Denisenko
          438. S.W Fowler
          439. S.W. Fowler
          440. Safiyh Taghavi
          441. Sarah E. Daly
          442. Sarah L. O’Brien
          443. Sarah M. Owens
          444. Sarah-Jane Haig
          445. Scott W. Fowler
          446. Se Jin Song
          447. Sean M. Gibbons
          448. Selena Marie Rodriguezl
          449. Seth Kauppinen
          450. Shane R. Haydon
          451. Sharon Borglin
          452. Shaun Nielsen
          453. Shi Wang
          454. Shyam Chand
          455. Siavash Mirarab
          456. Sigurd Øxnevad
          457. Simon Creer
          458. Simon Lax
          459. Sophie Weiss
          460. Stefan Hulth
          461. Stefan Janssen
          462. Stefano Mocali
          463. Steinar Sanni
          464. Stephanie D. Jurburg
          465. Stephen A. Wood
          466. Stephen B. Pointing
          467. Stephen Joseph
          468. Steve Simmons
          469. Steven E. King
          470. Stian A. Solbø
          471. Subramanya Rao
          472. Susan R. Whitehead
          473. Suzanne J. Kennedy
          474. T. Eng y
          475. T. Nordtug
          476. Tao Wang
          477. Tatiana G. Sazykina
          478. Tavis Potts
          479. The Earth Microbiome Project Consortium
          480. Thomas A. McClimans
          481. Tim Smith
          482. Tim Urich
          483. Tom Weaver
          484. Tomasz Kosciolek
          485. Tone Frost
          486. Tone Karin Frost
          487. Tor Nordam
          488. Tore Haug
          489. Torstein Pedersen
          490. Trevor C. Charles
          491. Tugrul Giray
          492. U. Berger
          493. Ulf Riebesell
          494. undefined Rama
          495. Ute Brönner
          496. V. Carrasco-Navarro
          497. Valerie McKenzie
          498. Vanessa Ezenwa
          499. Vanessa Hale
          500. Vera Tai
          501. Vincenzo Fogliano
          502. Virginia Sanz
          503. W.J Waugh
          504. W.S. Reeburgh
          505. Walter P. MacCormack
          506. Wayne Roundstone
          507. Wenju Liang
          508. Willard S Moore
          509. William A. Walters
          510. William Brazelton
          511. William L. Locke
          512. William Rodriguez-Reillo
          513. William Van Treuren
          514. Wim de Coen
          515. Wyatt Oswald
          516. Y. Gaziev
          517. Yadira Ortiz Castellano
          518. Yeqin Yang
          519. Yingying Ni
          520. Yongqin Liu
          521. Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza
          522. Yu Shi
          523. Z. Kirichenko
          524. Zhenjiang Zech Xu