Anna Siwertsson
Senior Scientist
Environmental Assessments and Monitoring


+ 47 95 77 91 59

Publications (92)

  1. Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: A case study from the Norwegian coast

    Johanna M. Aarflot, Vilde R. Bjørdal [+8]

    Ocean & Coastal Management 2024-10

  1. High parasite diversity in the amphipod Gammarus lacustris in a subarctic lake

    Jenny C. Shaw, Eirik H. Henriksen [+7]

    Ecology and Evolution 2020-10-05

  2. Allometric trajectories of body and head morphology in three sympatric Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) morphs

    Marianne Knutsdotter Simonsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Ecology and Evolution 2017-08-08

  3. Molecular analyses reveal high species diversity of trematodes in a sub-Arctic lake

    Miroslava Soldánová, Simona Georgieva [+11]

    International Journal for Parasitology 2017-05

  4. Variation in functional trait composition of benthic invertebrates across depths and seasons in a subarctic lake

    André Frainer, Kristin S. Johansen [+6]

    Fundamental and Applied Limnology 2016-07-01

  5. A specialised cannibalistic Arctic charr morph in the piscivore guild of a subarctic lake

    Rune Knudsen, Karl Øystein Gjelland [+5]

    Hydrobiologia 2016-02-05

  6. Parallel evolution of profundal Arctic charr morphs in two contrasting fish communities

    Rune Knudsen, Per-Arne Amundsen [+4]

    Hydrobiologia 2016-01-28

  7. Takvatnprosjektet - Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyebestand

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Aslak Smålås [+4]

    Septentrio Reports 2015-04-23

  8. Temporal stability in gill raker numbers of subarctic European whitefish populations

    A. Siwertsson, R. Knudsen [+1]

    Advances in Limnology 2012-04-02

  9. Temporal stability of niche use exposes sympatric Arctic charr to alternative selection pressures

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology 2010-11-24

  10. The role of gill raker number variability in adaptive radiation of coregonid fish

    Kimmo K. Kahilainen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology 2010-07-27

  11. Long‐term responses of zooplankton to invasion by a planktivorous fish in a subarctic watercourse


    Freshwater Biology 2008-12-08

  1. Parasites permeate a subarctic lake food web

    Kevin D. Lafferty, Anna Siwertsson [+7]


  2. Food web structure in a subarctic lake

    Anna Siwertsson, Per-Arne Amundsen [+7]


  3. The role of parasites in food-web of subarctic lakes

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+3]


  4. Ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish and Arctic charr

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]


  5. Incipient speciation in subarctic Scandinavia

    Rune Knudsen, Kim Præbel [+2]


  6. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]


  7. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic salmonids

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+3]


  8. Polymorphism and ecological speciation in freshwater fish

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]


  1. Økokyst – delprogram Barentshavet, Årsrapport 2022

    Guttorm Christensen, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+14]


  2. ØKOKYST – delprogram Norskehavet Nord, Årsrapport 2022

    Guttorm Christensen, Hans Petter Mannvik [+14]


    1. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems

      Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

      Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

    2. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems - Appendices

      Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

      Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

    3. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the North Sea Shelf Ecosystem - Appendices

      Per Arneberg, Berengere Husson [+22]

      Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

    1. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the North Sea Shelf Ecosystem

      Per Arneberg, Berengere Husson [+22]

      Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

    2. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the Norwegian Sea Pelagic Ecosystem

      Per Arneberg, Anna Siwertsson [+13]

      Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

    1. Significance of gill rakers in Coregonus radiation

      Kimmo K. Kahilainen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]


    1. Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyebestand

      Per-Arne Amundsen, Aslak Smalås [+4]


    2. Darwins fisker? Spennende evolusjon hos røye og sik

      Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+1]

      Ottar 2008

    3. Invasjon av lagesild i Pasvikvassdraget

      Per-Arne Amundsen, Karl øystein Gjelland [+4]

      Ottar 2008

      1. Early speciation into dark side of life

        Rune Knudsen, Sigrid Østrem Skoglund [+4]


      1. Incipient speciation of whitefish and Arctic charr

        Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+2]

