Øystein Varpe
prior employee

Publications (76)

  1. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night

    Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]

    Polar Biology 2023-06-23

  2. A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models

    Benjamin Planque, Johanna M. Aarflot [+15]

    Ecological Modelling 2022-09

  1. Timing of Calanus finmarchicus diapause in stochastic environments

    Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+4]

    Ecological Modelling 2021-11

  2. Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific instruments

    Maxime Geoffroy, Tom Langbehn [+9]

    Scientific Reports 2021-07-22

  3. Two hundred years of zooplankton vertical migration research

    Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+3]

    Biological Reviews 2021-05-04

  4. Empirically based minimalistic model for representing seasonal phytoplankton dynamics

    SH Piltz, PG Hjorth [+1]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020-04-23

  5. Diverging phenological responses of Arctic seabirds to an earlier spring

    Sébastien Descamps, Francisco Ramírez [+14]

    Global Change Biology 2019-08-28

  6. Potential Effect of Migration Strategy on Pollutant Occurrence in Eggs of Arctic Breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)

    Daniel J. Hitchcock, Tom Andersen [+8]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2019-04-02

  7. Reindeer turning maritime: Ice‐locked tundra triggers changes in dietary niche utilization

    Brage Bremset Hansen, Jon Runar Lorentzen [+5]

    Ecosphere 2019-04

  8. Trade-offs between storage and survival affect diapause timing in capital breeders

    Øystein Varpe & Maciej J. Ejsmond

    Evolutionary Ecology 2018-11-10

  9. Interannual phenological variability in two North-East Atlantic populations of Calanus finmarchicus

    Marina Espinasse, Claudia Halsband [+5]

    Marine Biology Research 2018-08-09

  10. Copepod diapause and the biogeography of the marine lipidscape

    Nicholas R. Record, Rubao Ji [+5]

    Journal of Biogeography 2018-08-05

  11. Improving Data Reporting in Ecotoxicological Studies

    Daniel J. Hitchcock, Tom Andersen [+2]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2018-07-16

  12. Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience

    Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27

  13. A high-resolution modeling study on diel and seasonal vertical migrations of high-latitude copepods

    Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+2]

    Ecological Modelling 2018-01

  14. Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium

    Caroline M Williams, Gregory J Ragland [+12]

    Integrative and Comparative Biology 2017-10-16

  15. Life History Adaptations to Seasonality

    Øystein Varpe

    Integrative and Comparative Biology 2017-10-16

  16. Spring phenology shapes the spatial foraging behavior of Antarctic petrels

    P Fauchald, A Tarroux [+7]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017-03-24

  17. Seasonal vertical strategies in a high-Arctic coastal zooplankton community

    K Bandara, Ø Varpe [+4]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016-08-18

  18. At-Sea Distribution and Prey Selection of Antarctic Petrels and Commercial Krill Fisheries

    Sébastien Descamps, Arnaud Tarroux [+9]

    PLOS ONE 2016-08-17

  19. Rapid climate‐driven loss of breeding habitat for Arctic migratory birds

    Hannah S. Wauchope, Justine D. Shaw [+5]

    Global Change Biology 2016-07-19

  20. Experimental icing affects growth, mortality, and flowering in a high Arctic dwarf shrub

    Jos M. Milner, Øystein Varpe [+2]

    Ecology and Evolution 2016-02-28

  21. Ecosystem model intercomparison of under‐ice and total primary production in the Arctic Ocean

    Meibing Jin, Ekaterina E. Popova [+6]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2016-01

  22. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  23. Seasonality in Offspring Value and Trade-Offs with Growth Explain Capital Breeding

    Maciej Jan Ejsmond, Øystein Varpe [+2]

    The American Naturalist 2015-11

  24. A fish-eye view on the new Arctic lightscape

    Øystein Varpe, Malin Daase [+1]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2015-08-17

  25. Large‐scale oceanographic fluctuations drive Antarctic petrel survival and reproduction

    Sébastien Descamps, Arnaud Tarroux [+4]

    Ecography 2015-07-14

  26. Warmer and wetter winters: characteristics and implications of an extreme weather event in the High Arctic

    Brage B Hansen, Ketil Isaksen [+7]

    Environmental Research Letters 2014-11-01

  27. Polar night ecology of a pelagic predator, the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans

    Jordan J. Grigor, Ariane E. Marais [+2]

    Polar Biology 2014-10-15

  28. Capital versus Income Breeding in a Seasonal Environment

    Julie Sainmont, Ken H. Andersen [+2]

    The American Naturalist 2014-10

  29. Differences in lens optical plasticity in two gadoid fishes meeting in the Arctic

    Mikael Jönsson, Øystein Varpe [+3]

    Journal of Comparative Physiology A 2014-09-21

  30. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2014-07-09

  31. The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway

    Christian Lydersen, Philipp Assmy [+11]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2014-01

  32. Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a pan-Arctic perspective

    Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen [+8]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013-06

  33. Sea ice phenology and timing of primary production pulses in the Arctic Ocean

    Rubao Ji, Meibing Jin [+1]

    Global Change Biology 2012-12-15

  34. Fishing‐induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms and the empirical evidence

    Katja Enberg, Christian Jørgensen [+6]

    Marine Ecology 2011-06-13

  35. Lipid sac area as a proxy for individual lipid content of arctic calanoid copepods

    Daniel Vogedes, Øystein Varpe [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2010-06-21

  36. Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908–2007)

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    Polar Biology 2009-03-12

  37. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Biology Letters 2008-10-23

Conference presentation
  1. Avian sentinels of the impact of Atlantification on the contaminant state of Kongsfjorden: strengths and pitfalls of a data analytical toolbox.

    Igor Eulaers, Pierre Blévin [+13]

    9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean 2022-06-09

  2. An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie [+30]

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014-01-26

    Conference poster
    1. Functional changes in sub-Arctic benthos following macroalgae expansions.

      Susanne Kortsch, Raul Primicerio [+6]

      Arctic Frontiers Conference 2018-01-21

    2. The TerrACE project: Effects of terrestrial inputs on contaminant dynamics in Arctic coastal ecosystems

      Amanda Poste, Ian Allan [+12]

      Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) 2017-06-11

    3. Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes

      Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]

      Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14

      Research report
        Popular science
        1. Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?

          Jørgen Berge, Ole Jørgen Lønne [+5]

          Svalbardposten 2009-09-11

          Co-authors (356)

            24 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Jørgen Berge

            18 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Stig Falk-Petersen

            13 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Paul E. Renaud

            11 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Janne E. Søreide

            10 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Malin Daase

            9 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Ketil Eiane

            8 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Geir Johnsen

            7 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Eva Leu
          2. Finlo Cottier

            6 works (with: 3 others)

          1. Katrine Borgå
          2. Rubao Ji
          3. Sébastien Descamps

            5 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Gérald Darnis
          2. Kanchana Bandara

            4 works (with: 5 others)

          1. Jasmine Nahrgang
          2. Arnaud Tarroux
          3. Daniel Vogedes
          4. Nigel G. Yoccoz
          5. Svein‐Håkon Lorentsen

            3 works (with: 12 others)

          1. Ole Jørgen Lønne
          2. Astthor Gislason
          3. Bjørn Gulliksen
          4. Claudia Halsband
          5. Daniel J. Hitchcock
          6. Hallvard Strøm
          7. Jan Marcin Weslawski
          8. Jo Lynn Carroll
          9. Lionel Camus
          10. Marine Cusa
          11. Raul Primicerio
          12. Tom Andersen

            2 works (with: 35 others)

          1. Nathalie Morata
          2. Akiko Kato
          3. Bodil Bluhm
          4. Børge Moe
          5. Brage Bremset Hansen
          6. Branislav Vrana
          7. Clare N. Webster
          8. Colin Griffiths
          9. Dorte Herzke
          10. Frédéric Maps
          11. Harald Steen
          12. Henrik Nygård
          13. J Wallenschus
          14. Jack Kohler
          15. Jaromír Sobotka
          16. Julie Sainmont
          17. Kim Last
          18. Kristinn Gudmundsson
          19. Leif Christian Stige
          20. Magnus Aune
          21. Maciej J. Ejsmond
          22. Marina Espinasse
          23. Mark A. Moline
          24. Maxime Geoffroy
          25. Meibing Jin
          26. Natalia Shunatova
          27. Øystein Langangen
          28. Pernilla Marianne Carlsson
          29. Robert T. Barrett
          30. Signe Christensen‐Dalsgaard
          31. Tove M. Gabrielsen
          32. Tycho Anker‐Nilssen
          33. Vigdis Tverberg
          34. Yan Ropert-Coudert
          35. Yves Cherel

            1 works (with: 290 others)

          1. Sam Eglund-Newby
          2. William G. Ambrose Jr.
          3. Hector Andrade
          4. Jofrid Skarðhamar
          5. Perrine Geraudie
          6. A Kato
          7. A Tarroux
          8. A. Bailey
          9. A. Wold
          10. Anita Evenset
          11. Amalia Keck
          12. Amanda Poste
          13. Anais Aubert
          14. Alexei Bambulyak
          15. Anders Ruus
          16. André W. Visser
          17. Andrei Granovitch
          18. Andrew S Brierley
          19. Andrew S. Brierley
          20. Andrew Yool
          21. Andrey V. Dolgov
          22. Anette Wold
          23. Angelina Kraft
          24. Anika Beiersdorf
          25. Anya Gonchar
          26. Ariane E. Marais
          27. Arild Sundfjord
          28. Arnault Le Bris
          29. Asgeir J. Sørensen
          30. Asgeir Johan Sørensen
          31. Åshild Ø Pedersen
          32. Åshild Ønvik Pedersen
          33. Anna Siwertsson
          34. B. Gulliksen
          35. Benjamin Planque
          36. Benoit Philippe
          37. Bérengère Husson
          38. Bjarte Bogstad
          39. Bjørn A. Krafft
          40. Bjørn Einar Grøsvik
          41. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
          42. Benjamin Merkel
          43. Brage B Hansen
          44. Brage B. Hansen
          45. Carl Ballantine
          46. Camilla Ottesen
          47. Camilla Svensen
          48. Caroline M Williams
          49. Cathrine Spikkerud
          50. Cecilie Hansen
          51. Chris Klok
          52. Christian Jørgensen
          53. Christian Lydersen
          54. Clara J.M. Hoppe
          55. Claus Bech
          56. Colin Janssen
          57. Colleen M. Petrik
          58. Coralie Barth-Jensen
          59. D. Vogedes
          60. Dag Lorentzen
          61. Dag Slagstad
          62. Damien Tran
          63. Daniel Howell
          64. Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
          65. Daniel Pendleton
          66. Daria Nikishina
          67. David B. Irons
          68. David Boertmann
          69. David H. Bromwich
          70. David Johns
          71. David McKee
          72. David S. Boukal
          73. Denis Moiseev
          74. E. Johansson-Karlsson
          75. Eike Stübner
          76. Ekaterina E. Popova
          77. Ekaterina Korshunova
          78. Elena G. Lappo
          79. Elisa Ravagnan
          80. Elliot Sivel
          81. Emma Michaud
          82. Erik Berg
          83. Erin Kunisch
          84. Erin S. Dunlop
          85. Evelyn Strombom
          86. Evgeniia Raskhozheva
          87. Filippa Fransner
          88. Finlo R. Cottier
          89. Francisco Ramírez
          90. Frank Beuchel
          91. Frederik De Laender
          92. Frode Bendiksen Vikebø
          93. G. A. Weyhenmeyer
          94. Geir Wing Gabrielsen
          95. Georg Skaret
          96. Gro Harlaug Refseth
          97. Geir Morten Skeie
          98. Guttorm Christensen
          99. Gregory J Ragland
          100. Gregory J. Robertson
          101. Gustavo Betini
          102. H Nygård
          103. H. Nygård
          104. Haakon Hop
          105. Hannah S. Wauchope
          106. Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
          107. Heather Cronin
          108. Henri Weimerskirch
          109. Ian Allan
          110. Igor A. Melnikov
          111. Igor Eulaers
          112. Ingeborg G. Hallanger
          113. Ingeborg Hallanger
          114. Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth
          115. Ingunn M. Tombre
          116. Ireen Vieweg
          117. J. Fort
          118. Jan Hendriks
          119. Jan Heuschele
          120. Jan Kozłowski
          121. Jan Marcin Węsławski
          122. Jan Otto Larsen
          123. Jan Ove Bustnes
          124. Jean-Charles Massabuau
          125. Jeffrey A. Runge
          126. Jeffrey M. Welker
          127. Jinlun Zhang
          128. JJ Grigor
          129. Joanna Legeżyńska
          130. Joe Hereford
          131. Johanna Hovinen
          132. Johanna M. Aarflot
          133. John M. McNamara
          134. Jon Runar Lorentzen
          135. Jonas Juselius
          136. Jonathan A. D. Fisher
          137. Jonathan Cohen
          138. Jonathan H. Cohen
          139. Jonathan H. Cohen
          140. Jordan J. Grigor
          141. Jorg Welcker
          142. Jos M. Milner
          143. Julie Grenvald
          144. Justine D. Shaw
          145. K Eiane
          146. K. J. N. Scherrer
          147. Karel Viaene
          148. Karine Delord
          149. Kate Willis
          150. Kathleen Donohue
          151. Katie E Marshall
          152. Katja Enberg
          153. Ken Dunton
          154. Ken H. Andersen
          155. Ketil Isaksen
          156. Kim Præbel
          157. Kim S Last
          158. Kim S. Last
          159. Kim S. Last
          160. Kimberly S Sheldon
          161. Kit M. Kovacs
          162. Kjell Einar Erikstad
          163. Kjell‐Einar Erikstad
          164. Kristin Heggland
          165. Kjetil Sagerup
          166. Ksenia Kosobokova
          167. Larissa T. Beumer
          168. Larissa Teresa Beumer
          169. Larry R. Griffin
          170. Lauren B Buckley
          171. Leif E Loe
          172. Lena Seuthe
          173. Lars-Henrik Larsen
          174. Lisette de Hoop
          175. Lishani Wijewardene
          176. Loïc Baulier
          177. Louis Fortier
          178. Lucie Buttay
          179. M. A. Moline
          180. M. Daase
          181. Maarten J. J. E. Loonen
          182. Maciej Jan Ejsmond
          183. Magnus Drivdal
          184. Marcel E Visser
          185. Marcin Czarnoleski
          186. Marek Zajaczkowski
          187. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
          188. Marit Reigstad
          189. Marja Koski
          190. Mark A. Moline
          191. Mark L. Mallory
          192. Mark Moline
          193. Mark Reed
          194. Martha Tveit
          195. Martin Graeve
          196. Miao Wang
          197. Michael T. Arts
          198. Mikael Jönsson
          199. Mikko Heino
          200. Mikko Vihtakari
          201. Monika Kędra
          202. Morten D. Skogen
          203. Morten Hjorth
          204. Murray M Humphries
          205. Neil S Banas
          206. Nicholas A. Warner
          207. Nicholas R. Record
          208. Oda Bjærke
          209. Olaf Rune Godø
          210. Ole Jacob Broch
          211. Oliver P. Love
          212. Olivier Chastel
          213. OP Love
          214. Owen S Wangensteen
          215. P Fauchald
          216. Paco Bustamante
          217. Paul S Schmidt
          218. Paul Shimmings
          219. Pierre Blévin
          220. Pepijn de Vries
          221. Pernilla Bohlin Nizzetto
          222. Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto
          223. Pernilla Carlsson
          224. Peter Sylvander
          225. Petter Norgren
          226. PG Hjorth
          227. Peter Glad
          228. Philipp Assmy
          229. Piotr Balazy
          230. Piotr Bałazy
          231. Piotr Kuklinski
          232. Piotr Kukliński
          233. Pierre Priou
          234. R. Primicerio
          235. Rasmus E Benestad
          236. Raymond Nepstad
          237. René van der Wal
          238. Richard A. Fuller
          239. Richard B. Lanctot
          240. Rolf Gradinger
          241. Ronald H. H. Kröger
          242. Ronny Aanes
          243. Rupert Krapp
          244. S Descamps
          245. S. Jannicke Moe
          246. S. Kortsch
          247. S. Neumann
          248. Sanna Majaneva
          249. Sawomir Kwasniewski
          250. Sebastian Menze
          251. Sebastien Descamps
          252. Sébastien Lavergne
          253. SH Piltz
          254. Sheng-Hung Wang
          255. Signe Jung-Madsen
          256. Sigrunn Eliassen
          257. Sigurd Benjaminsen
          258. Simeon Lisovski
          259. Starrlight Augustine
          260. Steinar Sanni
          261. Stephen J Coulson
          262. Susanne Kortsch
          263. Svein-Håkon Lorentsen
          264. Svetlana Murzina
          265. T Tveraa
          266. T. M. Gabrielsen
          267. T. Stople
          268. Tom J. Langbehn
          269. Tom Langbehn
          270. Tomasz Kozłowski
          271. Tone Kirstin Reiertsen
          272. Tone Kristin Reiertsen
          273. Torkild Tveraa
          274. Torleiv Brattegard
          275. Torstein Pedersen
          276. Tove M Gabrielsen
          277. Tove M. Gabrielsen
          278. Trine A. Callesen
          279. Trond Kristiansen
          280. Trond Nordtug
          281. Ulf Lindström
          282. Ulf Lindstrøm
          283. Ute Brönner
          284. Waldek Walczowski
          285. Y Cherel
          286. Y Ropert-Coudert
          287. Younjoo J. Lee
          288. Zachary A Cheviron
          289. Zofia Burr
          290. Zofia M. Burr