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Hvordan kan rognkjeks bli en robust og effektiv rensefisk i lakseoppdrett?
2023-01-30 (Norwegian)
Årshjul luseskjørt
Praktiske erfaringer med bruk av luseskjørt
2022-04-07 (Norwegian)
Understanding the Causes of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) Mortality in Norwegian Hatcheries: Challenges and Opportunities
Lauris Boissonnot, Camilla Karlsen [+4]
Fishes 2024-07-19
The digestion time for salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Fredrik R. Staven, Solveig Engebretsen [+7]
Aquaculture 2024-01
Effects of different feeding regimes on growth, cataract development, welfare, and histopathology of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)
Albert K.D. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+1]
Welfare and survival of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in Norwegian commercial Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) production
Lauris Boissonnot, Camilla Karlsen [+5]
Aquaculture 2023-07
Causes of Mortality and Loss of Lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus
Patrick Reynolds, Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland [+1]
Fishes 2022-11-10
Characteristics of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with high cleaning efficacy in commercial Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) production
Lauris Boissonnot, Iana Kharlova [+3]
Aquaculture 2022-11
Årsaker til dødelighet og tap av rensefisk (DOKUMENTAR)
Albert Imsland, Lauris Boissonnot [+12]
Akvaplan-Niva 2022