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Pumping og trenging i merd
Aqua Nor 2023 - ny digital håndbok for håndtering av laks i brønnbåt
2023-08-22 (Norwegian)
Forskere tar en titt på skottelusa
2019-03-06 (Norwegian)
Jakten på "superluse-spisere"
2016-05-12 (Norwegian)
Hvordan ta hånd om rensefisk
2016-04-08 (Norwegian)
Catch me if you can: How to recapture lumpfish using light as an attractant
Atle Foss, Albert K.D. Imsland [+2]
Aquacultural Engineering 2020-08
It works! Lumpfish can significantly lower sea lice infestation in large-scale salmon farming
Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Anna Hanssen [+7]
Biology Open 2018-09-03
The effect of continuous light and compressed photoperiods on growth and maturation in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus
Albert K. Imsland, Thor Magne Jonassen [+7]
Aquaculture 2018-02
Effects of lumpfish size on foraging behaviour and co-existence with sea lice infected Atlantic salmon in sea cages
Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+9]
Aquaculture 2016-12
Is cleaning behaviour in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) parentally controlled?
Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+12]
Aquaculture 2016-06
Skottelus: oppdrettsnæringens nye fiende?
2019-07-31 (Norwegian)
Show academic works from Cristin