
Our publications

Our publications

  1. Diversification of marine aquaculture in Norway under climate change

    Lynne Falconer, Lars Olav Sparboe [+10]

    Aquaculture 2024-12

  2. Publisher Correction: Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Morten E. Allentoft, Martin Sikora [+162]

    Nature 2024-01-18

  3. Multiple stakeholders’ perspectives of marine social ecological systems, a case study on the Barents Sea

    Nina Mikkelsen, Benjamin Planque [+7]

    Ocean & Coastal Management 2023-08

  4. Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability

    Leah C. Strople, Ireen Vieweg [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-07-03

  5. An impact-based environmental risk assessment model toolbox for offshore produced water discharges

    Raymond Nepstad, Konstantinos Kotzakoulakis [+3]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2023-06

  6. Four new suomilides isolated from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. KVJ20 and proposal of their biosynthetic origin

    Yannik K.-H. Schneider, Anton Liaimer [+5]

    Frontiers in Microbiology 2023-04-20

Jesper HansenGeir Dahl–HansenBjørn Henrik HansenKarl Øystein GjellandMarit MjeldeThomas HansenJasmine NahrgangAnn Kristin SchartauBirger SkjelbredBjørn WalsengGuttorm ChristensenLisbet SørensenAlbert K. D. ImslandJames P. MeadorUte BrönnerPer FauchaldAnita Evensetmarianne FrantzenCathrine StephansenOdd Willy BrudeTonje Waterloo RogstadGrethe Kjeilen–EilertsenJean–Marie LibreChristian Collin–HansenCecilie HansenMarthe Torunn Solhaug JenssenThomas Correll JensenGro Harlaug RefsethGaute VelleAnders BjørgesæterLionel CamusNils–Martin HankenVelmurugu PuvanendranIda Dahl–HansenNina MikkelsenMette Skern–MauritzenRaul PrimicerioJohn Gunnar DokkStig Falk–PetersenBenjamin PlanquePer ArnebergGeir OttersenJo Lynn CarrollJonas PerssonØystein VarpeMichaela AschanMorgan Lizabeth BenderCharlotte Teresa WeberTerje BongardMette Remen