
Sustainable Blue Growth using ocean drones

From left: Alfred Hanssen (moderator), Salve Dahle (Director Akvaplan-niva), Lionel Camus (Leader GLIDER project)

Sustainable Blue Growth using ocean drones

From left: Alfred Hanssen (moderator), Salve Dahle (Director Akvaplan-niva), Lionel Camus (Leader GLIDER project)

24 January 2019 news

January 23 Lionel Camus presented the results from the GLIDER project in a side-event at Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø. The event was organised by the Norwegian Ministry for Oil and Energy and the Research Council of Norway. The focus in Lionel Camus presentation was on the benefits of using ocean drones in collecting ocean data. Camus laid out some examples on data on marine mammals as well as data from ocean depths that would have been difficult to acquire with a traditional research vessel. Camus also explained the data quality control regime in the GLIDER project, the platforms used for data storage and the portal which is developed for dissemination of findings to user-groups. This side-event was a mix of presentations of projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and panel-debates. The moderator for the event was Alfred Hanssen, UiT the Arctic University of Norway. 

Lionel Camus
Senior Scientist / Manager Digital Solutions
