
PEACE workshop - pollution and ecosystem adaptation

PEACE workshop - pollution and ecosystem adaptation

1 October 2019 news

The PEACE project (Pollution and ecosystem adaptation to changes in the environment, funded by RCN 2015-2019) is coming to an end. After four years of study of the effect of contaminants on natural phytoplankton communities under conditions as realistic as possible, including aspects of acclimation, adaptation and resilience, the team would like to share their main results with a broader audience. A core idea in the PEACE project was to use concepts from theoretical ecology for understanding ecosystem responses to contaminant stress in complex settings. This promising approach is clearly under-represented in many studies to date, and the team signals that they would like to use the occasion to discuss how closer interactions between ecology and ecotoxicology can advance our understanding of stressed ecosystems. For this, the project has invited four outstanding key note lecturers who will share their ideas with a wider audience.

Link to the program below. 

Since free lunch is included in this workshop, participants should register here:

The project leaders for PEACE are Luca Nizzetto (NIVA) and Eva Leu (Akvaplan-niva)

Eva Leu
Senior Scientist

PEACE workshop program