
FAAbulous science - video presenting our project on effects on ice algae from climate change in the Arctic

Photo: The project team (project leader Eva Leu second from the right)

FAAbulous science - video presenting our project on effects on ice algae from climate change in the Arctic

Photo: The project team (project leader Eva Leu second from the right)

18 January 2018 news

The FAABulous project was funded by the Norwegian Research Council under their OKOSYSTEM call in 2014, and runs from April 2015 until March 2020 (project nr. 243702).

This project studies how ongoing climate change will affect the development of algae blooms in sea ice and water in a future Arctic ocean. To this end, we combine extensive seasonal data collection (automated and sampling) in two Arctic fjords with contrasting environmental conditions, experimental studies, and different modeling approaches. The practical work started with a cruise to van Mijenfjorden (Svalbard) in september 2015. 

The project is led by Eva Leu (Akvaplan-niva AS), and involves scientists from five Norwegian, and five international (Germany, Poland, UK) research institutions and Universities. The collaboration partners are UNIS, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Nord University and NIVA in Norway, as well as Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research and Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Germany, the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences and Plymouth University in the UK, and the Institute for Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland.

Below link to a video presentation of the project by project leader Eva Leu. 

Eva Leu
Senior Scientist
