Trond Ivarjord
Head of Section
Research and Innovation Facility Kraknes


+ 47 95 11 58 10

Publications (10)

    1. Effects of the invasive red king crab on food web structure and ecosystem properties in an Atlantic fjord

      T Pedersen, MM Fuhrmann [+16]

      Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-05-28

    2. Species diversity affects ecosystem structure and mass flows in fjords

      T. Pedersen, S. Ramsvatn [+7]

      Regional Studies in Marine Science 2016-01

    3. Effects of growth rates on the otolith increments deposition rate in capelin larvae (Mallotus villosus)

      Trond Ivarjord, Torstein Pedersen [+1]

      Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008-04

      Conference poster
      1. Ecopath modelling of ecosystem structure of a subarctic norwegian fjord after a decline in the coastal cod (Gadus morhua) stock

        Torstein Pedersen, Ulf Lindstrøm [+12]

        Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Redbuilding 2013-10-15

      2. The role of macroalgae habitats as nursing grounds for juvenile coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) in two Norwegian fjords

        Christer Michaelsen, Torstein Pedersen [+2]

        Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Rebuilding 2013-10-15

        Conference presentation
        1. Investigating coastal ecosystem structure and dynamics using Ecopath/Ecosim ecosystem models and stable isotope data

          Torstein Pedersen, Einar Magnus Nilssen [+10]

          Havet og kysten forskerseminar 2012 2012-10-24

        2. Effekter av forskjellige fangstregimer på fangstutbytte og økosystemindikatorer i to kystøkosystemer undersøkt ved ECOPATH modellering

          Torstein Pedersen, Silje Ramsvatn [+7]

          Seminar om "Blandingsfiske som reguleringsmodell" 2012-02-15

        3. Investigating effects of various harvest regimes on fishery yield and ecosystem health indicators of two coastal ecosystems using ECOPATH modelling

          Torstein Pedersen, Silje Ramsvatn [+7]

          The 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management 2011-07-03

          Research report
          1. Do capelin larvae deposit daily increments in their otoliths?

            Trond Ivarjord, Torstein Pedersen [+1]


            Co-authors (47)

              7 works (with: 1 others)

            1. Torstein Pedersen

              4 works (with: 2 others)

            1. Einar Magnus Nilssen
            2. Geir Helge Systad

              3 works (with: 6 others)

            1. Anita Maurstad
            2. Christer Michaelsen
            3. Ina Kolsum
            4. Lyne Morissette
            5. Marianne Nilsen
            6. Silje Ramsvatn

              2 works (with: 4 others)

            1. Lis Lindal Jørgensen
            2. Erlend Moksness
            3. Ulf Lindstrøm
            4. Virginie Ramasco

              1 works (with: 34 others)

            1. Mette Remen
            2. A Bjørge
            3. AM Hjelset
            4. C Michaelsen
            5. E Källgren
            6. E.M. Nilssen
            7. EM Nilssen
            8. Emma Källgren
            9. F Norrbin
            10. Fredrikke Museæus
            11. G Systad
            12. G. Systad
            13. H Steen
            14. H. Fause
            15. Håvard T. Fause
            16. I. Kolsum
            17. Jan Henry Sundet
            18. JH Sundet
            19. K Sivertsen
            20. Kjell Tormod Nilssen
            21. Knut Sivertsen
            22. KT Nilssen
            23. L. Morissette
            24. Luca Tassara
            25. M. Nilsen
            26. MA Svenning
            27. Martin Svenning
            28. MM Fuhrmann
            29. Mona Maria Fuhrmann
            30. Ola Kvaal Brandshaug
            31. S. Ramsvatn
            32. T Pedersen
            33. T. Pedersen
            34. U Lindstrøm