Salve Dahle
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Publications (81)

  1. Fostering the next generation of Arctic scientists, from five to 35

    Jenny Turton, Naima El bani Altuna [+6]


    1. Forskningsskipet «Oceania»

      Salve Dahle, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

      Svalbardposten 2023

      1. Conclusions

        P. Ghaffari, E. V. Yakushev [+1]

        The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2023

      2. Issues of Environmental Monitoring and Management in the Arctic

        Alexei Bambulyak, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+3]

        Global Development in the Arctic 2022-11-09

      3. Hydro-Meteorological Observations in Hypersaline Basin of Lake Urmia

        B. Sherkatiazin, E. V. Yakushev [+5]

        The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2021

      1. Challenges Performing Risk Assessment in the Arctic

        Gro Harlaug Olsen, JoLynn Carroll [+3]

        Produced Water 2011

          1. CASCADE – The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE

            Jannik Martens, Evgeny Romankevich [+22]

            Earth System Science Data 2021-06-08

          1. Assessing evidence for random assembly of marine benthic communities from regional species pools

            PJ Somerfield, C Arvanitidis [+33]

            Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

          2. Biological geography of the European seas: results from the MacroBen database

            C Arvanitidis, PJ Somerfield [+57]

            Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

          3. Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: insights from the MacroBen database

            PE Renaud, TJ Webb [+33]

            Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

          4. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Barents Sea sediments: small changes over the recent 10 years

            Salve Dahle, Vladimir Savinov [+6]

            Marine Biology Research 2009-01-01

          5. Macrobenthic fauna of the Franz Josef Land archipelago

            S. Dahle, N. A. Anisimova [+4]

            Polar Biology 2008-10-07

          6. PCBs, PBDEs and pesticides released to the Arctic Ocean by the Russian Rivers Ob and Yenisei

            JoLynn Carroll, Vladimir Savinov [+4]

            Environmental Science & Technology 2007-11-23

          7. Similar soft-bottom polychaete diversity in Arctic and Antarctic marine inlets

            Maria Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, Jacek Sicinski [+3]

            Marine Biology 2006-10-21

          8. A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments

            Louise Kiel Jensen, JoLynn Carroll [+4]

            Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-05

          9. Free-living nematodes and macrobenthos in a high-latitude glacial fjord

            P.J. Somerfield, S.J. Cochrane [+2]

            Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-03

          10. Soft-bottom fauna and oxygen minima in sub-arctic north Norwegian marine sill basins

            Børge Holte, Eivind Oug [+1]

            Marine Biology Research 2005-05

          11. Snow and ice concentrations of selected persistent pollutants in the Ob–Yenisey River watershed

            S. Melnikov, J. Carroll [+3]

            Science of The Total Environment 2003-05

          12. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorines (OCs) in bottom sediments of the Guba Pechenga, Barents Sea, Russia

            Vladimir M. Savinov, Tatiana N. Savinova [+3]

            Science of The Total Environment 2003-05

          13. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments of the Kara Sea shelf, Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Bay

            Salve Dahle, Vladimir M. Savinov [+3]

            Science of The Total Environment 2003-05

          14. POPs and heavy metal contamination in the Russian Arctic marine and freshwater environments

            Derek Muir, Tatiana Savinova [+1]

            Science of The Total Environment 2003-05

          15. Radioactivity near the Sunken Submarine “Kursk” in the Southern Barents Sea

            Genady G. Matishov, Dimitry G. Matishov [+4]

            Environmental Science & Technology 2002-03-28

          16. Artificial radionuclides in sediments of the Don River Estuary and Azov Sea

            Genady G Matishov, Dimitry G Matishov [+3]

            Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2002-01

          17. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediments of the White Sea, Russia

            Vladimir M Savinov, Tatiana N Savinova [+4]

            Marine Pollution Bulletin 2000-10

          18. Chemical contamination of bottom sediments of Pechenga Bay, Barents Sea

            G. G. Matishov, T. N. Savinova [+3]

            Polar Geography 2000-04

          19. Discharges of nuclear waste into the Kola Bay and its impact on human radiological doses

            Genady G. Matishov, Dimitry G. Matishov [+3]

            Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2000-03

          20. Environmental influences on benthic fauna associations of the Kara Sea (Arctic Russia)

            Lis L. Jørgensen, Thomas H. Pearson [+5]

            Polar Biology 1999-11-19

          21. Anthropogenic radionuclides in Kola and Motovsky Bays of the Barents Sea, Russia

            Genady G. Matishov, Dmitry G. Matishov [+3]

            Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1999-04

          22. Contamination of bottom sediments in kola bay, Russia

            G. G. Matishov, G. V. Il'yin [+5]

            Polar Geography 1998-10

          23. Benthic fauna in the pechora sea

            Salve Dahle, Stanislav G. Denisenko [+2]

            Sarsia 1998-08-28

          24. Growth in the bivalve Macoma balthica from its northern to its southern distribution limit: a discontinuity in North Europe because of genetic adaptations in Arctic populations?

            Herman Hummel, Roelof Bogaards [+12]

            Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 1998-05

          25. Status Report on the Marine Environment of the Barents Region

            undefined TAN, O. J. Lonne [+6]

            Colonial Waterbirds 1997

          26. Sedimentation and mixing rates of radionuclides in Barents Sea sediments off Novaya Zemlya

            J.N. Smith, K.M. Ellis [+3]

            Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 1995-01

          1. Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles reveal new discoveries in the Arctic Ocean

            Lionel Camus, David Peddie [+24]

            OCEANS 2019 - Marseille 2019-06

          2. Nenets Environmental Database - A Tool for Regional Environmental Management

            A. P. Kotsepalov, S. Dahle [+1]

            All Days 2000-06-26

            1. Nytt kompetansesenter for hav og arktiske spørsmål i Tromsø?

              Anne Husebekk, Sissel Rogne [+3]

              Nordlys 2017-05-02

            2. Viste verden veien mot øst

              Øyvind Ravna & Salve Dahle

              Nordlys 2013-10-17

              1. Management of the ConocoPhillips-Lundin Northern Area program

                O Lindefjeld, Geir Birger Larssen [+3]

                Arctic Approach - The Northern Area Program 2017

                1. Fremmede arter i Arktis- med fokus på Svalbard og Jan Mayen

                  Jørn Thomassen, Sondre Dahle [+8]

                  NINA rapport 2017

                  1. Calcareous tubeworms (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) of the Arctic Ocean.

                    Alexander Vladimirovich Rzhavsky, Elena K. Kupriyanova [+2]


                      1. PCB på Svalbard : kunnskaps- og forvaltningsstatus, april 2008

                        Halvard R. Pedersen, Rolf Tore Ottesen [+12]


                      2. PCBs in Svalbard : status of knowledge and management, April 2008

                        Qno Lundkvist, Halvard R. Pedersen [+13]


                        1. Norwegian-Russian Cooperation on Reducing Environmental Risk of Accidental Oil Spills on Arctic Coasts

                          Salve Dahle, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+2]

                          Perspectives on Norwegian-Russian Energy Cooperation 2011

                          1. Sources, inputs and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other contaminants related to oil and gas activities in the Arctic

                            Jarle Klungsøyr, Salve Dahle [+3]

                            AMAP Assessment 2007: Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic - Effects and Potential Effects. Volume 2 2010

                            1. PCBs, PBDEs and pesticides released to the Arctic Ocean by the Russian Rivers Ob and Yenisei

                              JoLynn Carroll, Vladimir Savinov [+4]

                              Environmental Science and Technology 2008

                            2. A multi-generation Calanus finmarchicus culturing system for use in long-term oil exposure experiments

                              Louise Kiel Jensen, JoLynn Carroll [+4]

                              Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006

                            3. Radioactivity near the sunken submarine Kursk in the Southern Barents Sea

                              G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+4]

                              Environmental Science and Technology 2002

                            1. Snow and ice concentrations of selected persistent pollutants in the Ob -Yenisey River watershed

                              S. Melnikov, JoLynn Carroll [+3]

                              Science of the Total Environment 2002

                            2. Artificial radionuclides in the Don River estuary and Azov Sea

                              G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

                              Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2002

                            3. Discharges of nuclear waste into the Kola Bay and its impact on human radiological doses

                              G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

                              Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2000

                            4. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of the White Sea, Russia

                              V. M. Savinov, Tatiana Savinova [+4]

                              Marine Pollution Bulletin 2000

                            5. Anthropogenic radionuclides in the Kola and Motovsky Bays of the Barents Sea

                              G.G. Matishov, D. G. Matishov [+3]

                              Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1999

                            6. Miljøovervåking i Nordområdene – noen eksempler

                              Salve Dahle & JoLynn Carroll

                              Vann 1999

                            7. Environmental influences on benthic fauna associations of the Kara Sea (Arctic Russia)

                              Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Tom H Pearson [+5]

                              Polar Biology 1999