Qin Zhou
Senior Scientist


+ 47 45 88 69 72

Publications (17)

  1. Phenology and Environmental Control of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Kong Håkon VII Hav in the Southern Ocean

    Hanna M. Kauko, Tore Hattermann [+12]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-03-29

  2. The Framework For Ice Sheet–Ocean Coupling (FISOC) V1.1

    Rupert Gladstone, Benjamin Galton-Fenzi [+11]

    Geoscientific Model Development 2021-02-11

  3. Jellyfish summer distribution, diversity and impact on fish farms in a Nordic fjord

    C Halsband, S Majaneva [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-03-19

  4. Wind‐driven spreading of fresh surface water beneath ice shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea

    Q. Zhou, T. Hattermann [+4]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2014-06

  5. The establishment of Atlantic Water transport as a topographically trapped slope current off Scotland

    Qin Zhou & Ole Anders Nøst

    Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2013-12-01

  6. Chelyabinsk Airburst, Damage Assessment, Meteorite Recovery, and Characterization

    Olga P. Popova, Peter Jenniskens [+58]

    Science 2013-11-29

  7. Eddy overturning of the Antarctic Slope Front controls glacial melting in the Eastern Weddell Sea

    O. A. Nøst, M. Biuw [+6]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2011-11
