Michael L. Carroll
prior employee

Publications (95)

  1. Seafloor warm water temperature anomalies impact benthic macrofauna communities of a high-Arctic cold-water fjord

    Èric Jordà-Molina, Paul E. Renaud [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2023-07

  2. Resistant calcification responses of Arctica islandica clams under ocean acidification conditions

    Yi-Wei Liu, Alan D. Wanamaker Jr. [+5]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2023-03

  3. CASCADE – The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE

    Jannik Martens, Evgeny Romankevich [+22]

    Earth System Science Data 2021-06-08

  1. Fundamental questions and applications of sclerochronology: Community-defined research priorities

    Tamara Trofimova, Stella J. Alexandroff [+25]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2020-10

  2. Cold Seeps in a Warming Arctic: Insights for Benthic Ecology

    Emmelie K. L. Åström, Arunima Sen [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-05-21

  3. Chemosynthesis influences food web and community structure in high-Arctic benthos

    EKL Åström, ML Carroll [+5]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2019-10-24

  4. Energetics of the extremely long-living bivalve Arctica islandica based on a Dynamic Energy Budget model

    Irene Ballesta-Artero, Starrlight Augustine [+5]

    Journal of Sea Research 2019-01

  5. The revolution of crossdating in marine palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology

    Bryan A. Black, Carin Andersson [+9]

    Biology Letters 2019-01

  6. Geophysical and geochemical controls on the megafaunal community of a high Arctic cold seep

    Arunima Sen, Emmelie K. L. Åström [+6]

    Biogeosciences 2018-07-25

  7. Methane cold seeps as biological oases in the high‐Arctic deep sea

    Emmelie K. L. Åström, Michael L. Carroll [+4]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2017-10-27

  8. Postglacial response of Arctic Ocean gas hydrates to climatic amelioration

    Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+9]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017-06-05

  9. A new genus and two new species of Thyasiridae associated with methane seeps off Svalbard, Arctic Ocean

    Emmelie K.L. Åström, P. Graham Oliver [+1]

    Marine Biology Research 2017-04-21

  10. A key to the past? Element ratios as environmental proxies in two Arctic bivalves

    Mikko Vihtakari, William G. Ambrose [+7]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2017-01

  11. The Application of Long-Lived Bivalve Sclerochronology in Environmental Baseline Monitoring

    Juliane Steinhardt, Paul G. Butler [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2016-09-23

  12. Decoding the oxygen isotope signal for seasonal growth patterns in Arctic bivalves

    Mikko Vihtakari, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2016-03

  13. Linking large-scale climate variability with A rctica islandica shell growth and geochemistry in northern Norway

    Madelyn J. Mette, Alan D. Wanamaker [+3]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2015-12-31

  14. Interpreting environmental change in coastal Alaska using traditional and scientific ecological knowledge

    William G. Ambrose, Lisa M. Clough [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2014-09-29

  15. Bivalve growth rate and isotopic variability across the Barents Sea Polar Front

    Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose [+3]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2014-02

  16. Carbonate clumped isotope compositions of modern marine mollusk and brachiopod shells

    Gregory A. Henkes, Benjamin H. Passey [+4]

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2013-04

  17. Benthic infaunal community variability on the northern Svalbard shelf

    Michael L. Carroll & William G. Ambrose

    Polar Biology 2012-03-16

  18. Pan-Svalbard growth rate variability and environmental regulation in the Arctic bivalve Serripes groenlandicus

    Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose [+5]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2011-11

  19. Climatic regulation of Clinocardium ciliatum (bivalvia) growth in the northwestern Barents Sea

    Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose [+5]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2011-03

  20. Bivalves as indicators of environmental variation and potential anthropogenic impacts in the southern Barents Sea

    Michael L. Carroll, Beverly J. Johnson [+5]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009-01

  21. Accumulation of organic carbon in western Barents Sea sediments

    JoLynn Carroll, Agata Zaborska [+4]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  22. Pelagic–benthic coupling in the western Barents Sea: Processes and time scales

    Paul E. Renaud, Nathalie Morata [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  23. Pelagic and sympagic contribution of organic matter to zooplankton and vertical export in the Barents Sea marginal ice zone

    Tobias Tamelander, Marit Reigstad [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  24. Benthic infauna of the seasonally ice-covered western Barents Sea: Patterns and relationships to environmental forcing

    Michael L. Carroll, Stanislav G. Denisenko [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  25. Seasonal feeding strategies of Calanus in the high-Arctic Svalbard region

    Janne E. Søreide, Stig Falk-Petersen [+5]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  26. Recent sediment accumulation rates for the Western margin of the Barents Sea

    Agata Zaborska, JoLynn Carroll [+5]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  27. Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea

    Paul Wassmann, Marit Reigstad [+10]

    Progress in Oceanography 2006-10

  28. Benthic community response to ice algae and phytoplankton in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard

    KW McMahon, Jr Ambrose WG [+5]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006-04-03

  29. Distribution coefficients (Kd's) for use in risk assessment models of the Kara Sea

    J Carroll, F Boisson [+7]

    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1999-07

  30. Seasonal patterns and depth-specific trends of zooplankton fecal pellet fluxes in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea

    Michael L. Carroll, Juan-Carlos Miquel [+1]

    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 1998-08

  31. Barnacle population dynamics and recruitment regulation in southcentral Alaska

    Michael L. Carroll

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 1996-08

  32. Predator foraging behavior: effect of a novel prey species on prey selection by a marine intertidal gastropod

    Michael L. Carroll & David S. Wethey

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 1990-07

    1. The Arctic seas

      Michael L. Carroll & JoLynn Carroll

      Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems 2020-02-03

    2. Chapter 26. The Practicalities of the Ecosystem Approach in the Barents Sea: The ECOBAR Project

      Tavis Potts, Branka Valcic [+2]

      The Limits of Maritime Jurisdiction 2014-01-01

      Conference poster
      1. Chemosynthesis-influenced trophic relationships and community structure at Barents Sea cold seeps

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+5]

        EGU General Assembly 2019 2019-04-07

      2. Trophic relationships and community structure at cold seeps in the Barents Sea

        Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+5]

        ARCTOS annual meeting 2018 2018-03-13

      3. Methane Cold Seeps as a Biological Oasis in the High-Arctic Deep-sea: Benthic community structure at Vestnesa seep, 79˚ N

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

        ARCTOS annual meeting 2018 2018-03-13

      1. Trophic relationships and community structure at cold seeps in the Barents Sea

        Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+5]

        Arctic Frontiers 2018 2018-01-21

      2. Arctic cold seeps in marine methane hydrate environments: impacts on shelf macrobenthic community structure offshore Svalbard

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+2]

        13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

      3. Exploring Arctic cold seeps with photomosaics and GIS

        Arunima Sen, Emmelie Åström [+2]

        13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

      4. Benthic faunal community structure associated with an Arctic deep sea cold seep at 79°N, Svalbard

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

        Gordon Research Conferences, Natural Gas Hydrate Systems. 2016-02-28

      5. Benthic macro fauna in Svalbard methane seeps: Community structure and signs of novel methane-associated species

        Emmelie Karin Linnea Åström, Michael Carroll [+4]

        Arctic Frontiers Meeting 2015-01-18

      6. ARAMACC Annual archives of marine climate change

        Paul G. Butler, Carin Andersson [+11]

        2014 Ocean Science Meeting 2014-02-23

      1. Environmental Changes of the Last Glacial Cycle Controlling a Re-Emerging Arctic Gas Hydrate System

        Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+9]

        9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates 2017-06-25

      2. Methane release at underwater mounds in the Barents Sea: Impact on Arctic macro-benthic faunal communities

        Emmelie Åström, Arunima Sen [+3]

        Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic and Arctic Seas - ESSAS 2017-06-13

      3. Sub-seabed methane emissions influences infaunal and megafaunal community structure at Vestnesa cold seep, 79 N°

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

        13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

      4. Deglaciation-driven methane release developing gas hydrate pingos at Storfjordrenna Trough, Svalbard

        Pavel Serov, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta [+8]

        13th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments 2016-09-19

      5. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

        Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

        4th International Sclerochronology Conference 2016-06-05

      6. Infaunal and megafaunal benthic community structure associated with cold seeps at the Vestnesa Ridge (79 N)

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

        EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

      7. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

        Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

        EGU General Assembly 2016 2016-04-17

      8. Infaunal and megafaunal community structure associated with cold seeps at the Vestnesa Ridge (79 N°) Svalbard

        Emmelie Åström, Michael Leslie Carroll [+4]

        AMGG research school meeting 2016-04-11

      9. Shell growth and environmental control of methanophyllic Thyasirid bivalves from Svalbard cold seeps

        Michael Leslie Carroll, Emmelie Åström [+5]

        45th Benthic Ecology Meeting 2016-03-16

      10. Chemosynthetic-influenced benthic macro faunal communities in Svalbard, Norway

        Emmelie Karin Linnea Åström, Michael Carroll [+4]

        AMGG Research School Workshop 2015-03-23

      11. Coupling and feedbacks in the thermogenic gas hydrate system of the Arctic

        Jurgen Mienert, JoLynn Carroll [+13]

        PERGAMON Final Symposium 2013-11-05

        Conference presentation
        1. Late-Holocene climate and ocean variability from tree-rings and high-resolution marine archives in North Norway

          Andreas Kirchhefer, William G. Ambrose [+5]

          EGU General Assembly 2009 2009-04-19

          1. Arctic Bivalves as Indicators of Environmental Variation

            Michael L. Carroll, Stanislav G. Denisenko [+6]

            All Days 2008-04-15

              Academic article
              Academic review
                Academic chapter
                1. The Arctic Seas

                  Michael Leslie Carroll & JoLynn Carroll

                  Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems 2003


                    Co-authors (237)

                      51 works (with: 1 others)

                    1. William G. Ambrose Jr.

                      41 works (with: 1 others)

                    1. Jo Lynn Carroll

                      31 works (with: 1 others)

                    1. Emmelie K. L. Åström

                      19 works (with: 1 others)

                    1. Arunima Sen

                      11 works (with: 3 others)

                    1. Anna Silyakova
                    2. Haakon Hop
                    3. Paul E. Renaud

                      7 works (with: 1 others)

                    1. Janne E. Søreide

                      6 works (with: 5 others)

                    1. Giuliana Panieri
                    2. Karin Andreassen
                    3. Pavel Serov
                    4. Stig Falk-Petersen
                    5. Wei-Li Hong

                      5 works (with: 3 others)

                    1. Alan D. Wanamaker
                    2. Madelyn J. Mette
                    3. Stanislav G. Denisenko

                      4 works (with: 10 others)

                    1. Aleksei D Portnov
                    2. Else Nøst Hegseth
                    3. Gregory A. Henkes
                    4. Helge Niemann
                    5. Paul G. Butler
                    6. Rob Witbaard
                    7. Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta
                    8. Tobias Tamelander
                    9. William L. Locke
                    10. William Locke

                      3 works (with: 12 others)

                    1. Michael J. Greenacre
                    2. Alexey Portnov
                    3. Bryan A. Black
                    4. Carin Andersson
                    5. Graham Oliver
                    6. H Hop
                    7. Henry Patton
                    8. Jacqueline M. Grebmeier
                    9. Jurgen Mienert
                    10. Lisa M. Clough
                    11. Malin Waage
                    12. Marit Reigstad

                      2 works (with: 54 others)

                    1. Jørgen Berge
                    2. Agata Zaborska
                    3. Alexander Vetrov
                    4. Andrea Schneider
                    5. Andreia Plaza-Faverola
                    6. Andrey Voronkov
                    7. Anna J. Pieńkowski
                    8. Bart van Dongen
                    9. Benjamin S. Levin
                    10. Bernd R Schöne
                    11. Bernd R. Schöne
                    12. Beverly J. Johnson
                    13. Birgit Wild
                    14. Bjørn Gulliksen
                    15. Bodil A. Bluhm
                    16. Carlo Papucci
                    17. David J. Reynolds
                    18. Denis Kosmach
                    19. Evgeny Romankevich
                    20. Finlo Cottier
                    21. Frank Beuchel
                    22. Gro Harlaug Refseth
                    23. Glenn R. Lopez
                    24. Göran Possnert
                    25. Igor Semiletov
                    26. Irene Ballesta-Artero
                    27. Jaap van der Meer
                    28. Jannik Martens
                    29. Janusz Pempkowiak
                    30. John Hartley
                    31. Jorien Vonk
                    32. Julien Thébault
                    33. KA Hobson
                    34. Kristine L. DeLong
                    35. Lee W. Cooper
                    36. Leon J. Clarke
                    37. Leopold Lobkovsky
                    38. Melita Peharda
                    39. Michael J. Retelle
                    40. Mikko Vihtakari
                    41. Ming-Yi Sun
                    42. Moritz Lehman
                    43. Natalia Shakhova
                    44. Negar Haghipour
                    45. Nikolay Belyaev
                    46. Oleg V. Dudarev
                    47. Örjan Gustafsson
                    48. Paul Wassmann
                    49. Peter van der Sleen
                    50. Salve Dahle
                    51. Stuart K. Ryan
                    52. Timothy I. Eglinton
                    53. Tommaso Tesi
                    54. William L. Locke V

                      1 works (with: 145 others)

                    1. Hector Andrade
                    2. Nathalie Morata
                    3. Thor Arne Hangstad
                    4. Patrick White
                    5. A Sen
                    6. A. Blanchard
                    7. Adam R. Ratner
                    8. Alan D. Wanamaker Jr.
                    9. Alex Whiting
                    10. Alun Hubbard
                    11. Alun Lloyd Hubbard
                    12. Amy L. Prendergast
                    13. Andreas Kirchhefer
                    14. Andreia Plaza‐Faverola
                    15. Andrew L.A. Johnson
                    16. Antonio Schirone
                    17. Arny L. Blanchard
                    18. Audrey Geffen
                    19. B. Konar
                    20. B.I. Sirenko
                    21. Benedicte Ferré
                    22. Benjamin H. Passey
                    23. Benjamin Levin
                    24. Bert Rudels
                    25. BJ Johnson
                    26. Bjørge Fredheim
                    27. Bjørn Mejdell Larsen
                    28. Boris I. Sirenko
                    29. Branka Valcic
                    30. Bronwyn M. Gillanders
                    31. C. Fred T. Andrus
                    32. Carin Andersson
                    33. Cathrine Lund Myhre
                    34. Clive Trueman
                    35. D. Wanamaker Alan
                    36. Dag Slagstad
                    37. Daniel Killam
                    38. David C. Griffith
                    39. David S. Wethey
                    40. Dieter Piepenburg
                    41. Eduardo Zorita
                    42. Elena Arashkevich
                    43. Elizabeth M. Harper
                    44. Elizabeth Tray
                    45. Else N. Hegseth
                    46. Èric Jordà-Molina
                    47. Ethan L. Grossman
                    48. F Boisson
                    49. Finlo R. Cottier
                    50. G. Cherkashov
                    51. Geir Wing Gabrielsen
                    52. Guttorm Christensen
                    53. GR Lopez
                    54. Gregory C. Henkes
                    55. H Niemann
                    56. Henning Reiss
                    57. Howard M. Feder
                    58. Ian Searles
                    59. J Heilmann
                    60. J LaRosa
                    61. J-C Miquel
                    62. J. D. Scourse
                    63. J. L. Olssøn
                    64. J.-L Teyssie
                    65. James D. Scourse
                    66. James Scourse
                    67. Jane A. Godiksen
                    68. Jeffrey C. Johnson
                    69. Jihong Dai
                    70. Jochen Knies
                    71. John R. Morrongiello
                    72. Jolanta Walkusz-Miotk
                    73. Juan-Carlos Miquel
                    74. Juliane Steinhardt
                    75. Jürgen Mienert
                    76. K.O. Coyle
                    77. Katarzyna Blachowiak-Samolyk
                    78. Kathleen E. Conlan
                    79. Katrine Husum
                    80. Keith A. Hobson
                    81. Kelton W. McMahon
                    82. KELTON W. McMAHON
                    83. Kotaro Shirai
                    84. KW McMahon
                    85. Leonardo Torricelli
                    86. Li Zou
                    87. LM Clough
                    88. M Krosshavn
                    89. M.S Baxter
                    90. Marc J. Silberberger
                    91. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
                    92. Martin J. Whitehouse
                    93. Mathieu Cusson
                    94. Meghan Burchell
                    95. Mélanie Lévesque
                    96. Melissa Chierici
                    97. MF Lehmann
                    98. Mikael K. Sejr
                    99. Moritz Lehmann
                    100. Morten Hald
                    101. MY Sun
                    102. Niels de Winter
                    103. Olga Pavlova
                    104. P. E. Aspholm
                    105. P. Graham Oliver
                    106. P.P Povinec
                    107. Pedro Freitas
                    108. Peter Grønkjær
                    109. Philippe Archambault
                    110. R.C. Highsmith
                    111. Ragni Olssøn
                    112. RC Highsmith
                    113. Reinhold Fieler
                    114. Robie Macdonald
                    115. Robie W. Macdonald
                    116. Roger Velvin
                    117. S Fowler
                    118. S. La Rosa
                    119. S.E King
                    120. S.G. Denisenko
                    121. S.W Fowler
                    122. Samuli Helama
                    123. Sarah M. Aciego
                    124. Scott W. Fowler
                    125. Shyam Chand
                    126. SIMON R. THORROLD
                    127. Sabine Cochrane
                    128. Starrlight Augustine
                    129. Stefan Bünz
                    130. Steingrim Bosheim
                    131. Stella J. Alexandroff
                    132. Stephen C. Jewett
                    133. Steven E. Campana
                    134. Stuart Ryan
                    135. T Hamilton
                    136. T Tamelander
                    137. Tamara Trofimova
                    138. Tavis Potts
                    139. Thomas Brey
                    140. Tine Lander Rasmussen
                    141. Tore Haug
                    142. Trond R. Gulbrandsen
                    143. Victor V. Petryashev
                    144. W.L. Locke
                    145. Yi-Wei Liu