Magnus Drivdal
Head of Section


+ 47 97 51 97 71

Publications (20)

  1. Stokes Drift in Topographic Waves over an Enclosed Basin Shelf

    Peygham Ghaffari, Jan Erik H. Weber [+2]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2020-05

  2. Some aspects of the Coriolis-Stokes forcing in the oceanic momentum and energy budgets

    Jan Erik H. Weber, Magnus Drivdal [+2]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2015-08

  3. Note on Coriolis-Stokes force and energy

    Göran Broström, Kai H. Christensen [+2]

    Ocean Dynamics 2014-06-12

  4. Observations of the ocean response to cold air outbreaks and polar lows over the Nordic Seas

    P. E. Isachsen, M. Drivdal [+4]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2013-07-28

  5. Observation-based evaluation of surface wave effects on currents and trajectory forecasts

    Johannes Röhrs, Kai Håkon Christensen [+4]

    Ocean Dynamics 2012-11-09

  6. Radiation stress and mean drift in continental shelf waves

    Jan Erik H. Weber & Magnus Drivdal

    Continental Shelf Research 2012-03

Research report
    Conference presentation
    1. The Golden Trader oil spill; evaluation of operational oil spill models

      Gøran Brostrøm, Magnus Bjørn Drivdal [+3]

      EGU General Assembly 2014-04-27

    2. Wave induced transport and mixing of buoyant particles

      Magnus Bjørn Drivdal, Gøran Brostrøm [+1]

      EGU General Assembly 2014-04-27

    1. Mean Lagrangian drift in contintnetal shelf waves

      Magnus Drivdal & Jan Erik H. Weber

      EGU General Assembly 2012 2012-04-22

    Conference poster
    1. Observations of surface wave effects and impacts on drifter trajectories

      Johannes Röhrs, Kai Håkon Christensen [+4]

      AGU Ocean Science Meeting 2012 2012-02-20

    2. Surface wave measurements using ship-mounted ultrasonic altimeter

      Kai Håkon Christensen, Johannes Röhrs [+3]

      AGU Ocean Science Meeting 2012 2012-02-20

    3. Waves, mixing, and drift in the upper ocean

      Göran Broström, Kai Håkon Christensen [+8]

      Ocean Science Meeting 2012-02-20

      Co-authors (56)

        7 works (with: 1 others)

      1. Kai Håkon Christensen

        6 works (with: 1 others)

      1. Jan Erik H. Weber

        4 works (with: 2 others)

      1. Göran Broström
      2. Gøran Brostrøm

        3 works (with: 2 others)

      1. Johannes Röhrs
      2. Svein Sundby

        2 works (with: 8 others)

      1. Jørgen Berge
      2. Ana Carrasco
      3. Brian Ward
      4. Håvard Espenes
      5. Kai H. Christensen
      6. Ole Anders Nøst
      7. Pål Erik Isachsen
      8. Rolf Gradinger

        1 works (with: 42 others)

      1. Øystein Varpe
      2. Anita Evenset
      3. Åse Åtland
      4. Bodil A. Bluhm
      5. Bodil Bluhm
      6. Erin H. Kunisch
      7. Erin Kunisch
      8. Even Thoen
      9. Francesco Regoli
      10. G. Broström
      11. G. Noer
      12. G. Sutherland
      13. Gro Harlaug Refseth
      14. Ian John Allan
      15. Igor A. Melnikov
      16. Ilker Fer
      17. J. Röhrs
      18. Jens Boldingh Debernard
      19. Johan Mattson
      20. Jonny Beyer
      21. K. H. Christensen
      22. Knut-Frode Dagestad
      23. Kjetil Sagerup
      24. Lars R Hole
      25. Lars R. Hole
      26. Lars Robert Hole
      27. Luca Tassara
      28. Malin Daase
      29. Maj Arnberg
      30. Maura Benedetti
      31. Mikko Vihtakari
      32. Ø. Saetra
      33. Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga
      34. Øyvind Sætra
      35. P. E. Isachsen
      36. Pernilla Carlsson
      37. Peygham Ghaffari
      38. Rolf David Vogt
      39. S. Eastwood
      40. Stig Falk-Petersen
      41. Sondre Meland
      42. Y. Gusdal