Eva Leu
Senior Scientist


+ 47 94 84 93 12


Publikasjoner (73)

  1. The interaction between plastics and microalgae affects community assembly and nutrient availability

    Gilberto Binda, Stefano Carnati [+9]

    Communications Earth & Environment 2024-10-01

  2. Photosynthetic light requirement near the theoretical minimum detected in Arctic microalgae

    Clara J. M. Hoppe, Niels Fuchs [+17]

    Nature Communications 2024-09-04

  1. Under ice plankton and lipid dynamics in a subarctic lake

    Erwin Kers, Eva Leu [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2024-05

  2. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem

    Allison A. Fong, Clara J. M. Hoppe [+90]

    Elem Sci Anth 2024

  3. Photophysiological responses of bottom sea-ice algae to fjord dynamics and rapid freshening

    Zoé L. Forgereau, Benjamin A. Lange [+8]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2023-12-13

  4. Untangling the role of biotic and abiotic ageing of various environmental plastics toward the sorption of metals

    Gilberto Binda, Margarida Costa [+5]

    Science of The Total Environment 2023-10

  5. Binding of waterborne pharmaceutical and personal care products to natural dissolved organic matter

    Simone Rizzuto, Didier L. Baho [+4]

    Science of The Total Environment 2021-08

  6. Arctic sea ice algae differ markedly from phytoplankton in their ecophysiological characteristics

    AC Kvernvik, CJM Hoppe [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021-05-20

  7. Under-Ice Phytoplankton Blooms: Shedding Light on the “Invisible” Part of Arctic Primary Production

    Mathieu Ardyna, C. J. Mundy [+11]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-11-19

  8. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Ice Algal Trophic Markers—With Recommendations about Their Application

    Eva Leu, Thomas A. Brown [+8]

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020-09-02

  9. Water Browning Controls Adaptation and Associated Trade-Offs in Phytoplankton Stressed by Chemical Pollution

    Simone Rizzuto, Jan-Erik Thrane [+6]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2020-04-15

  10. Influence of nutrient availability on Arctic sea ice diatom HBI lipid synthesis

    T.A. Brown, C. Rad-Menéndez [+5]

    Organic Geochemistry 2020-03

  11. A single pulse of diffuse contaminants alters the size distribution of natural phytoplankton communities

    Didier L. Baho, Francesco Pomati [+5]

    Science of The Total Environment 2019-09

  12. Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

    Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2018-10

  13. Fast reactivation of photosynthesis in arctic phytoplankton during the polar night1

    Ane Cecilie Kvernvik, Clara Jule Marie Hoppe [+5]

    Journal of Phycology 2018-06-14

  14. A (too) bright future? Arctic diatoms under radiation stress

    Eva Leu, Martin Graeve [+1]

    Polar Biology 2016-08-09

  15. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  16. Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a pan-Arctic perspective

    Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen [+8]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013-06

  17. Ice-related seasonality in zooplankton community composition in a high Arctic fjord

    Agata Weydmann, Janne E. Søreide [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2013-04-09

  18. UV radiation and its effects on P-uptake in arctic diatoms

    Dag O. Hessen, Helene Frigstad [+3]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2012-01

  19. Increased irradiance reduces food quality of sea ice algae

    E Leu, J Wiktor [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010-07-29

  20. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Biology Letters 2008-10-23

  21. Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during autumn 2004

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Eva Leu [+9]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  22. Light and spectral properties as determinants of C:N:P-ratios in phytoplankton

    Dag O. Hessen, Eva Leu [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  23. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects growth but not food quality of arctic diatoms

    Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2007-03

  24. Fatty acid dynamics during the spring bloom in a High Arctic fjord: importance of abiotic factors versus community changes

    Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006-12-01

  25. Lipids in copepodite stages of Calanus glacialis

    Anette Wold, Eva Leu [+2]

    Polar Biology 2006-11-25

  26. Trophic transfer and trophic modification of fatty acids in high Arctic lakes


    Freshwater Biology 2006-09-22

  27. Effects of changes in ambient PAR and UV radiation on the nutritional quality of an Arctic diatom (Thalassiosira antarctica var. borealis)

    Eva Leu, Sten-Åke Wängberg [+4]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-09

  1. Hidden in Plain Sight – New Insights on Arctic Sea-Ice Ridges from the MOSAiC Expedition – an Overview

    Evgenii Salganik, Oliver Müller [+10]

    the Nansen Legacy Symposium 2023-11-07

  2. Secondary production at the polar front - the role of copepods from near and far in Barents Sea pelagic productivity

    Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Torkel Granaas [+5]

    The Nansen Legacy Symposium - Towards a new Arctic 2023-11-06

  3. Marine Snow at the Polar Front - A Feature of Atlantification?

    Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Paul Eric Renaud [+4]

    Arctic Frontiers - Moving North 2023-01-30

  1. Biophysical characterization of summer Arctic sea ice habitats using a ROV- (and under-ice arm)-mounted Underwater Hyperspectral Imager

    Benjamin Lange, Janina Emilia Osanen [+19]

    SIOS Online Conference on Earth observation and remote sensing applications in Svalbard 2022-10-12

  1. High Spring Productivity across the Barents Sea Polar Front: Hotspot or Mismatch?

    Eva Susanne Leu, Karley Campbell [+6]

    GRC Polar Marine Science 2023-03-05

  2. The TerrACE project: Effects of terrestrial inputs on contaminant dynamics in Arctic coastal ecosystems

    Amanda Poste, Ian Allan [+12]

    Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) 2017-06-11

  3. Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes

    Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]

    Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14

  1. Changes in fatty acid composition of POM during an Arctic spring bloom

    Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

    GLOBEC-Symposium: Climate variability and sub-Arctic marine ecosystems 2005-05-16

  2. Intense feeding of Calanus hyperboreus on Arctic Autumn Bloom Propagated by a Record Minimum Sea Ice Extent in 2004

    Stig Falk-Petersen, A Wold [+8]

    ACIA International Symposium on Climate Change in the Arctic. 2004-11-09

  1. Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean

    Paul Dodd, Agneta Fransson [+9]

    Fram Forum 2023

  2. Lyset i Arktis viktig for algeproduksjonen

    Dag Olav Hessen & Eva Leu

    Klima 2007

        1. Arctic sea-ice decline impacts on primary production

          Letizia Tedesco, Eva Leu [+7]


          1. Marine Micro- and Macroalgae in the Polar Night

            Geir Johnsen, Eva Leu [+1]

            Advances in Polar Ecology 2020

          2. The Underwater Light Climate in Kongsfjorden and Its Ecological Implications

            Alexey K. Pavlov, Eva Leu [+14]

            The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2019

          3. Phytoplankton Seasonal Dynamics in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard and the Adjacent Shelf

            Else N. Hegseth, Philipp Assmy [+8]

            The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2019

          1. A new perspective on changing Arctic marine ecosystems: panarchy adaptive cycles in pan-Arctic spatial and temporal scales

            Henry P. Huntington, Eddy Carmack [+4]

            Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century 2015

          Akademisk artikkel
          1. Light and spectral properties as determinants of C:N:P-ratios in phytoplankton

            Dag Olav Hessen, Eva Leu [+2]

            Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008

          2. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects growth but not food quality of arctic diatoms

            Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

            Limnology and Oceanography 2007

          1. Fatty acid dynamics during the spring bloom in a High Arctic fjord: Importance of abiotic factors versus community changes

            Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

            Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006

          Co-authors (388)

            24 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Stig Falk-Petersen

            15 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Jørgen Berge

            14 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Janne E. Søreide

            11 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Malin Daase

            10 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Paul E. Renaud

            9 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Dag O. Hessen

            8 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Luca Nizzetto

            7 works (with: 5 others)

          1. Gérald Darnis
          2. Øystein Varpe
          3. Angela Wulff
          4. Finlo Cottier
          5. Geir Johnsen

            6 works (with: 3 others)

          1. Dag Olav Hessen
          2. Didier L. Baho
          3. Philipp Assmy

            5 works (with: 3 others)

          1. Karley Campbell
          2. Lionel Camus
          3. Martin Graeve

            4 works (with: 9 others)

          1. Anette Wold
          2. Clara J. M. Hoppe
          3. Hao Zhang
          4. Kevin C. Jones
          5. Mats A. Granskog
          6. Oliver Müller
          7. Rolf Gradinger
          8. Simone Rizzuto
          9. Tove M. Gabrielsen

            3 works (with: 17 others)

          1. Michael J. Greenacre
          2. Agneta Fransson
          3. Aud Larsen
          4. Birger Skjelbred
          5. Björn Rost
          6. Evgenii Salganik
          7. Gunnar Bratbak
          8. Jessie Gardner
          9. Jon Børre Ørbæk
          10. Jon Norberg
          11. Kåre Edvardsen
          12. Lasse Mork Olsen
          13. Marcel Nicolaus
          14. Rolf Rudolf Gradinger
          15. Slawomir Kwasniewski
          16. Sten-Åke Wängberg
          17. Sünnje Linnéa Basedow

            2 works (with: 39 others)

          1. Nathalie Morata
          2. Jasmine Nahrgang
          3. Alexey K. Pavlov
          4. Alexandra Kraberg
          5. Anders Torstensson
          6. Ane C. Kvernvik
          7. Benjamin A. Lange
          8. Benoit Lebreton
          9. Benoit Philippe
          10. Bjørn Gulliksen
          11. Christian Katlein
          12. Christian Vogelsang
          13. Dag O. Hessen
          14. DAG O. HESSEN
          15. Daniel Vogedes
          16. Davide Spanu
          17. Dirk Notz
          18. Emilia Trudnowska
          19. Francesco Pomati
          20. Gilberto Binda
          21. Henrik Nygård
          22. Jack Christopher Landy
          23. Jan Marcin Weslawski
          24. Jonathan H. Cohen
          25. Kim Last
          26. Laurent Oziel
          27. Letizia Tedesco
          28. Louis Fortier
          29. Magnus Aune
          30. Margarida Costa
          31. Mark A. Moline
          32. Mats Granskog
          33. Maxime Geoffroy
          34. Muriel Barbara Dunn
          35. Melissa Chierici
          36. Natalia Shunatova
          37. Per J. Færøvig
          38. Per-Johan Færøvig
          39. S. Jannicke Moe

            1 works (with: 305 others)

          1. William G. Ambrose Jr.
          2. Martin Biuw
          3. Ole Jørgen Lønne
          4. Lis Lindal Jørgensen
          5. A Røstad
          6. A Wold
          7. A. Stuhr
          8. AC Kvernvik
          9. Adam Ulfsbo
          10. Anita Evenset
          11. Agata Weydmann
          12. Alison L. Webb
          13. Allison A. Fong
          14. Allison Fong
          15. Amanda E Poste
          16. Amanda E. Poste
          17. Amanda Poste
          18. Anders Røstad
          19. Anders Ruus
          20. Anders Svenson
          21. Andrei Granovitch
          22. Andrew S Brierley
          23. Andrew Toseland
          24. Ane Cecilie Kvernvik
          25. Anja Engel
          26. Anja Krieger-Liszkay
          27. Anna Miettinnen
          28. Anne Britt Sandø
          29. Anne Deininger
          30. Annette Rinke
          31. Antonia Immerz
          32. Anya Gonchar
          33. Arild Sundfjord
          34. Ana Sofia Aniceto
          35. Asgeir J. Sørensen
          36. Asgeir Johan Sørensen
          37. Astrid Cornils
          38. Barbara Niehoff
          39. Benjamin Allen Lange
          40. Benjamin Lange
          41. Benjamin Rabe
          42. Bernhard Schartmüller
          43. Boris P. Koch
          44. Böris Sanna Christina A Matsson
          45. Brice Loose
          46. C. J Mundy
          47. C. J. Mundy
          48. C. Rad-Menéndez
          49. C. Ruiz-Gonzalez
          50. C.J. Mundy
          51. Camilla A.M. Ottesen
          52. Camille Mavis
          53. Carin J. Ashjian
          54. Catherine Lalande
          55. Cecilia E. Gelfman
          56. Cecilie von Quillfeldt
          57. Céline Heuzé
          58. Charilaos Goussias
          59. Charlotte Havermans
          60. Christian Haas
          61. Christopher Bellas
          62. Christopher Horvat
          63. Christopher J. Mundy
          64. CJM Hoppe
          65. Clara J.M. Hoppe
          66. Clara Jule Marie Hoppe
          67. Claudia Halsband
          68. Colin Griffiths
          69. D.O. Hessen
          70. Dag Lorentzen
          71. Dag O Hessen
          72. Daiki Nomura
          73. Damien Tran
          74. Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
          75. Daria Nikishina
          76. Deborah Bozzato
          77. Dieter Hanelt
          78. Dmitry Divine
          79. Donald K. Perovich
          80. Dorothee C. E. Bakker
          81. E Keskinen
          82. Eddy Carmack
          83. Einat Sandbank
          84. Elisabeth M. Gross
          85. Elise S. Droste
          86. Ellen Damm
          87. Ellen Oldenburg
          88. Else N. Hegseth
          89. Emelia J. Chamberlain
          90. Emma Michaud
          91. Eric Stephen Post
          92. Erwin Kers
          93. Essi Keskinen
          94. Eva-Maria Nöthig
          95. Evelyn Lawrenz
          96. F.R. Cottier
          97. Frida Cnossen
          98. Felix Linhardt
          99. Fernanda Cisterna
          100. Fokje L. Schaafsma
          101. Francis Wiese
          102. Francois Fripiat
          103. Gaël Guillou
          104. Gerhard Kattner
          105. Gro Harlaug Refseth
          106. Giulia Castellani
          107. Gjermund Bahr
          108. Guttorm Christensen
          109. Gunhild Borgersen
          110. H Nygård
          111. Haiyan Jin
          112. Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten
          113. Hauke Flores
          114. Heather Cronin
          115. Hege Gundersen
          116. Helene Frigstad
          117. Hendrik Schäfer
          118. Henry P. Huntington
          119. Hoppe Clara
          120. Ian Allan
          121. Igor A. Melnikov
          122. Ilka Peeken
          123. Ilkka Matero
          124. Ilkka Materp
          125. Inka Bartsch
          126. J Wiktor
          127. J. Gjaldbæk Thormar
          128. J.L. Ray
          129. Jacqueline Stefels
          130. Jakob Doerr
          131. Jan Jakub Solski
          132. Jan Marcin Węsławski
          133. Jan-Erik Thrane
          134. Janina E. Osanen
          135. Janina Emilia Osanen
          136. Jean-Charles Gallet
          137. Jean-Charles Massabuau
          138. Jeff Bowman
          139. Jessie M. Creamean
          140. Jian Ren
          141. Jianfang Chen
          142. JM Wiktor
          143. Joanna Legeżyńska
          144. John P. Balmonte
          145. Jonas Thormar
          146. Jonas Wloka
          147. Jonathan H. Cohen
          148. Józef M. Wiktor
          149. Józef Maria Wiktor
          150. Jozef Wiktor
          151. Józef Wiktor
          152. Julia Regnery
          153. Julie Grenvald
          154. Justyna Meler
          155. K. Campbell
          156. K. G. Schulz
          157. K.S. Skaar
          158. Kasper Hancke
          159. Kate Willis
          160. Katja Metfies
          161. Katrin Schmidt
          162. Katrine Borgå
          163. Katyanne M. Shoemaker
          164. Keguang Wang
          165. Ken Dunton
          166. Ketil Eiane
          167. Kevin R. Arrigo
          168. Kevin R. Barry
          169. Kristine Hopland Sperre
          170. Kim S Last
          171. Kim S. Last
          172. Kim S. Last
          173. Klaus Dethloff
          174. Kjetil Sagerup
          175. Ksenia Kosobokova
          176. Lars Harms
          177. Laura M. García
          178. Lena Seuthe
          179. Lisa C. Matthes
          180. Luka Supraha
          181. Luka Šupraha
          182. M Reigstad
          183. M. Daase
          184. M. Gosselin
          185. Maaike Knol-Kauffman
          186. Maeve McGovern
          187. Magnus Lucassen
          188. Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase
          189. Maj Arnberg
          190. Marc Anglès d'Auriac
          191. Marc Macias-Fauria
          192. Marc Oggier
          193. Marcin W. Wojewodzic
          194. Maria A. Van Leeuwe
          195. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
          196. Marie Porter
          197. Marine Cusa
          198. Mario Hoppema
          199. Marion Maturilli
          200. Mark A. Moline
          201. Mark Inall
          202. Mark Moline
          203. Markus Rex
          204. MARTIN GRAEVE
          205. Martin Kainz
          206. Martina Vortkamp
          207. Martyn Tranter
          208. Mathieu Ardyna
          209. Matthew D. Shupe
          210. Matthew Gale
          211. Megan Lenss
          212. Michael T. Arts
          213. Michel Poulin
          214. Monika Kędra
          215. Moritz Buck
          216. Musheng Lan
          217. N. Thomas
          218. Nicolas Mayot
          219. Nicole Aberle
          220. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn
          221. Nicole Hildebrandt
          222. Niels Fuchs
          223. Oliver Ebenhöh
          224. Ondřej Prášil
          225. Ovidiu Popa
          226. Øystein Glåmseter
          227. P. Assmy
          228. Patricia A. Matrai
          229. Patricia Sanchez-Baracaldo
          230. Patricio Feest
          231. Paul Dodd
          232. Paul Wassmann
          233. Pauline Snoeijs-Leijonmalm
          234. PER J. FÆRØVIG
          235. Per-Arne Amundsen
          236. Pernilla Marianne Carlsson
          237. Petter Norgren
          238. Philip Anderson
          239. Philipp Anhaus
          240. Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy
          241. Piotr Balazy
          242. Piotr Bałazy
          243. Piotr Kowalczuk
          244. Piotr Kuklinski
          245. Piotr Kukliński
          246. R. Gradinger
          247. Ragnheid Skogseth
          248. Ran Tao
          249. Raul Primicerio
          250. Robert G. Campbell
          251. Rolf R. Gradinger
          252. Rupert Krapp
          253. S Kwasniewski
          254. S Verbiest
          255. S. Kwasniewski
          256. Sander Verbiest
          257. Sara Trotta
          258. Sarah L. Eggers
          259. Sarah Ørberg
          260. Sebastian D. Rokitta
          261. Sebastian Gerland
          262. Sebastian Menze
          263. Sebastian Rokitta
          264. Serdar Sakinan
          265. Sinhué Torres-Valdés
          266. Sławek Kwaśniewski
          267. Slawomir Kwaśniewski
          268. Sławomir Sagan
          269. Søren Rysgaard
          270. Stefan Bertilsson
          271. Stefano Carnati
          272. Stephan Frickenhaus
          273. Stephen R. Hudson
          274. STIG FALK‐PETERSEN
          275. Sünnje Basedow
          276. Svein Kristiansen
          277. T. Juul-Pedersen
          278. T.A. Brown
          279. T.M. Gabrielsen
          280. Trude Borch
          281. Thomas A. Brown
          282. Thomas C. J. Hill
          283. Thomas Mock
          284. Thomas Turpin-Jelfs
          285. TM Gabrielsen
          286. Torkel Granaas
          287. Tove M. Gabrielsen
          288. Trine A. Callesen
          289. Trine Dale
          290. Tristan Petit
          291. U. Riebesell
          292. Ulf Karsten
          293. Victoria Hill
          294. Vigdis Tverberg
          295. Vito De Lucia
          296. Vladyslava Hostyeva
          297. W. Walkusz
          298. Wenche Eikrem
          299. Wieslaw Maslowski
          300. William Boulton
          301. Wojciech Walkusz
          302. Xianyu Kong
          303. Yanpei Zhuang
          304. Youcheng Bai
          305. Zoé L. Forgereau