Michael J. Greenacre
prior employee

Publications (17)

  1. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Ice Algal Trophic Markers—With Recommendations about Their Application

    Eva Leu, Thomas A. Brown [+8]

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020-09-02

  2. Fast reactivation of photosynthesis in arctic phytoplankton during the polar night1

    Ane Cecilie Kvernvik, Clara Jule Marie Hoppe [+5]

    Journal of Phycology 2018-06-14

  3. Trophic level and fatty acids in harp seals compared with common minke whales in the Barents Sea

    Tore Haug, Stig Falk-Petersen [+6]

    Marine Biology Research 2017-06-23

  4. Arctic pelagic amphipods: lipid dynamics and life strategy

    Angelina Kraft, Martin Graeve [+3]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2015-07

  5. Interpreting environmental change in coastal Alaska using traditional and scientific ecological knowledge

    William G. Ambrose, Lisa M. Clough [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2014-09-29

  6. Functional diversity of the Barents Sea fish community

    MA Wiedmann, M Aschan [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014-01-09

  7. Climatic regulation of Clinocardium ciliatum (bivalvia) growth in the northwestern Barents Sea

    Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose [+5]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2011-03

Conference poster
  1. Developmental effects of embryonic exposure to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil on early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus)

    Cassandra Granlund, Jasmine Nahrgang [+5]

    9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean 2022-06-08

    Co-authors (75)

      3 works (with: 4 others)

    1. William G. Ambrose Jr.
    2. Eva Leu
    3. Michael L. Carroll
    4. Stig Falk-Petersen

      2 works (with: 10 others)

    1. Jasmine Nahrgang
    2. Andrey V. Dolgov
    3. Cassandra Granlund
    4. Lisbet Sørensen
    5. Magnus Aune
    6. Martin Graeve
    7. Morgan Lizabeth Bender
    8. Sonnich Meier
    9. Tore Haug
    10. Ulf Lindstrøm

      1 works (with: 61 others)

    1. Thomas H. Pearson
    2. Sanna Matsson
    3. A Dolgov
    4. AC Kvernvik
    5. Adam R. Ratner
    6. Agneta Fransson
    7. Alex Whiting
    8. Ane C. Kvernvik
    9. Ane Cecilie Kvernvik
    10. Anette Wold
    11. Angelina Kraft
    12. B Planque
    13. B. Gulliksen
    14. Benjamin S. Levin
    15. CJM Hoppe
    16. Clara J. M. Hoppe
    17. Clara Jule Marie Hoppe
    18. Claudia Halsband
    19. David C. Griffith
    20. Dieter Janssen
    21. E Johannesen
    22. Emma L. Orlova
    23. Evelyn Lawrenz
    24. G Certain
    25. Gregory A. Henkes
    26. Haakon Hop
    27. I.H. Ellingsen
    28. J. Costelloe
    29. Jeffrey C. Johnson
    30. JM Wiktor
    31. Józef Maria Wiktor
    32. Jozef Wiktor
    33. Juliette Lavarec
    34. Kasper Hancke
    36. Kjell T. Nilssen
    37. Lars Aage Gade-Sørensen
    38. Lisa M. Clough
    39. Luiza Neves
    40. M Aschan
    41. M Reigstad
    42. Maria Fossheim
    43. marianne Frantzen
    44. Melissa Chierici
    45. Marianne Frantzen
    46. Michaela M. Aschan
    47. Ondřej Prášil
    48. Paul E. Renaud
    49. R Primicerio
    50. Raul Primicerio
    51. Reinhold Fieler
    52. S Verbiest
    53. Sander Verbiest
    54. Salve Dahle
    55. Silje Forbord
    57. Sabine Cochrane
    58. Stuart K. Ryan
    59. Thomas A. Brown
    60. TM Gabrielsen
    61. Victor A. Ivshin