
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) as platforms for fisheries and plankton acoustics

    Nils Olav Handegard, Alex De Robertis [+11]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024-09-17

  2. High uptake of sympagic organic matter by benthos on an Arctic outflow shelf

    Ivan J. Cautain, Kim S. Last [+4]

    PLOS ONE 2024-08-07

  3. Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic

    Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13

  4. Publisher Correction: Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Morten E. Allentoft, Martin Sikora [+162]

    Nature 2024-01-18

  5. Fin whale song evolution in the North Atlantic

    Miriam Romagosa, Sharon Nieukirk [+15]

    eLife 2024-01-09

  6. Untangling the role of biotic and abiotic ageing of various environmental plastics toward the sorption of metals

    Gilberto Binda, Margarida Costa [+5]

    Science of The Total Environment 2023-10

  7. Miljøkonsekvenser av akvakultur og sameksisterende næringer

    Anita Evenset, Gro Harlaug Refseth [+16]

    Akvaplan-niva rapport 2023

  8. Monitoring Algal Blooms with Complementary Sensors on Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales

    David Williamson, Norwegian University of Science and Technology [+12]

    Oceanography 2023

Olivier ChastelPaul E. RenaudPierre BlévinDavid McKeeHallvard StrømDavid GrémilletBenjamin MerkelPaco BustamanteBørge MoeSébastien DescampsMaria GavriloJesper HansenMalin DaasePer FauchaldBergur OlsenJérôme FortAnders MosbechDavid CostantiniStig Falk–PetersenØystein VarpeDavid PeddieGeir PedersenKim S. LastBhavani E. NarayanaswamyFrédéric AngelierKjell Einar ErikstadYuri KrasnovTone K. ReiertsenIgor EulaersJóhannis DanielsenKatherine M. DunlopFrancis DauntDavid A.T. HarperAlexey EzhovYann KolbeinssonMagdalene LangsetGeir Helge SystadKanchana BandaraRolf David VogtGeir JohnsenJan Ove BustnesNicholas P. HuffeldtGuttorm ChristensenManrico SebastianoLionel CamusJoel PederickVigdis TverbergWilliam G. Ambrose Jr.Michael L. CarrollElina Halttunen