Decadal Variability and Trends of Atlantic Water and Adjacent Water Masses Along the Continental Slope West and North of Svalbard
Stian Vikanes
Studying Behavioral Responses to Bioluminescence in Zooplankton
Taran Five
Glow and know – Evaluating the Potential of Spectral Bioluminescence as a Tool for Zooplankton Identification in situ
Hedda Førde
Seasonal dynamics of four cryptic species of Crepidostomum spp. in a subarctic lake in Northern Norway
Kristine Drage
The usability of eDNA to identify and quantify zooplankton communities
Thea Svendsen
Blinks in the dark - Detecting and characterizing flash kinetics of bioluminescence for in situ species recognition of zooplankton
Gitte Krohn-Pettersen
Occurrence and phenology of Aurelia aurita in the North-East Atlantic Seas
Line Skogstad
Hva mener du selv om hvordan vi kan ta imot og inkludere andre på en god måte? En studie av en eksamen for språklige minoriteter med kort botid i Norge
Annette Amundrød Gudmundsen