Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems - Appendices
Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]
Rapport fra havforskningen 2023
Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems
Environmental monitoring data reveals geographic and depth-based differentiation of benthic fjord communities
Arunima Sen, Marc J. Silberberger [+4]
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2022-05
To veier mot god miljøtilstand. En sammenlikning av EU sitt havstrategidirektiv med de norske havforvaltningsplanene
Gunnar Sander, Sabine K.J. Cochrane [+3]
NIVA-rapport 2022
Modelling the influence of climate change on contaminant exposure in three key seabird species in the European Arctic
Lovise Pedersen Skogeng, Igor Eulaers [+8]
Merverdi av samarbeidet i flaggskipet Miljøgifter: How to COPE?
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, Pierre Blévin [+17]
Campaign For Hyperspectral Data Validation In North Atlantic Coastal Waters
Esmée Oudijk, Oliver Kevin Hasler [+18]
Deliverable 3.13 Final implementation and data: Distributed systems for ocean and sea ice
Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Waldemar Walczowski [+20]
Image based quantitative comparisons indicate heightened megabenthos diversity and abundance at a site of weak hydrocarbon seepage in the southwestern Barents Sea
Arunima Sen, Cheshtaa Chitkara [+5]
PeerJ 2019-08-08
Detection of deposited drill cuttings on the sea floor - A comparison between underwater hyperspectral imagery and the human eye
S.K.J. Cochrane, S. Ekehaug [+4]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019-08